Update #3 Feedback

By Tim Huckelbery, in Game Mechanics

Can we have action points back now?

Can we have action points back now?

I'd really love to hear FFG's internal rationale for walking away from the AP system. Was it truly unworkable? Did it not scale in the right way? Was it just to satisfy backwards-compatibility grognards?

Tim, please consider uploading the internal memo announcing the rollback to Wikileaks. We'll get your back.

IMO, the Rate of Fire mechanics broke the AP system. You ended up with really bizarre situations where autoguns were almost always more accurate than sniper rifles (when you used all 4 AP to aim/fire, they had equal accuracy). If the RoF system was fixed and the wound system was changed to resemble DH1 (keeping Blood Loss, Fatigue, Flame, and all the other good things from Beta1), I truly believe that the combat system would work very well.

I realize that there were some problems with the original Beta rules, but I was so happy to see you guys taking risks and innovating in a big way when you already had an established rules system. IMO, the DH1 through Only War rules have reached the end of their lifespan -- if a new edition is to make any significant advances rather than fine-tuning the old system, backwards compatibility will be left by the wayside in favor of sweeping improvements and real progress.

Please don't give up on the Beta1 rules -- there were so many good ideas in that original PDF. If you continue with the current rehashed Only War rules, I won't be able to convince myself to purchase the finished product.

I would dearly love to see the return of the woundless system. I think it gave the level of lethality that is sorely needed. I would advice re-working the critical charts so that even a low level hit has some effect on the game though.

Please don't give up on the Beta1 rules -- there were so many good ideas in that original PDF. If you continue with the current rehashed Only War rules, I won't be able to convince myself to purchase the finished product.

+1 to this. The AP combat system was a huge improvement (sans the weird RoF rule) and the psychic system was superb compared to its current incarnation.

I would dearly love to see the return of the woundless system. I think it gave the level of lethality that is sorely needed. I would advice re-working the critical charts so that even a low level hit has some effect on the game though.

I've been thinking how great it could be if we got a d5 woundless system or found some other way to keep it to one or two pages (at the back of the book so it's easy to find) using the TB per wound level system that popped up afew times after the first beta.