
By SamuelAdams, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Instead of having worlds,roles, and backgrounds have aptitudes .have "A"list and "B" list

choose 4 from list "A", which is the characteristic aptitudes.

choose 3 from list "B", which is the skill aptitudes.

this would create open character builds

the worlds, roles, and backgrounds would still give the rest of there options

I'm having a hard time figuring out what exactly it is you're suggesting. Could you explain how this is supposed to work and what problem this solves?

And would it kill you to spell check your post?

I think the suggestion is, that rather than aptitudes come from the current method of home world, background, role and elite advance the player is given the choice. The choice is take four from list of characteristics' and then take four from the training aimed ones. I think a system like this while allowing more flexibility, you would ultimately end up with players min maxing to get the best payout.

spellcheck ? really. ok then, lol

nultaar is correct

you may be right bout min/max of characters

think the ultimate goal is to have fun.. so that may not be so bad.

the reason ive come to this conclusion. hate that to get finesse I have to be an assassin or desperado

The way I've always suggested running Only War still stands for DH2 - although it's doubtful I'll ever run DH2, rather than work out my own system, by this point - allow any player to switch out any one single Characteristics Aptitude for any one other Characteristics Aptitude and any one single Professional Aptitude for any one other Professional Aptitude to, with the GM:s approval, fit a theme or concept.

you have a good point Fgdsfg.

thought this forums was to improve this game . hope they read our opinions on this Fgdsfg :)

I like the idea of letting players pick aptitudes from a list that their role, background and homeworld provide.

The way I've always suggested running Only War still stands for DH2 - although it's doubtful I'll ever run DH2, rather than work out my own system, by this point

I think it says a lot about the state of DH2 that you and me have a similar feeling toward it despite having drastically different opinions on how to make a game.

The only issue I can see with this is, once again, balance. Some aptitudes are currently far more useful than others, so limiting which ones are cross combatible seems like a decent way to limit it in my mind.

The way I've always suggested running Only War still stands for DH2 - although it's doubtful I'll ever run DH2, rather than work out my own system, by this point

I think it says a lot about the state of DH2 that you and me have a similar feeling toward it despite having drastically different opinions on how to make a game.

I like the old system, I really do; I just don't see the improvements I want in DH2, and I think it's moving in the wrong direction, with further consolidation & generalisation of skills, wonky system vs. setting rationales, and increased "gamification" of aspects of the game that should already be covered by pre-existing Skills and Talents.

The latter had already started in Hammer of the Emperor, where there is a Talent that would allow you to cook a meal that would improve your squad's chance to resist fear and pinning, and another Talent that would allow you to take Charm tests to receive a bonus to your Logistics Rating to acquire gear from the Quartermaster.

Excuse me, but isn't that what the Skills are for to begin with? Why would there be a specific Talent for something that really should just be a box with "Additional uses of the Trade (Cook) skill" or "Charm Skill Alternate Uses"?

But now I'm just ranting. I apologize, I didn't mean to derail.

If anyone is interested, there's a pretty good Aptitude discussion going on in the Leadership thread .

I enjoyed the 1st edition myself . not sure why the game has made such a huge change either.

Still think this new system has abit to offer . FF needs to take a look at this edition . seems that this is just a mirror of OnlyWar.

what do I know though , I liked the last combat system without the wounds . much more deadly, which is how combat is.