Hello all,
Recently bought Relic and really enjoy it, but I would like to see if I can get some clarifications on some things.
1. During the Warp Rift when you are at the Scenario Card do you still follow the normal phase steps (movement, Exploration, Encounter, Experience). Or do you only get the Encounter phase.
This is to clarify for using power card abilities (ie. end of movement, end of experience, etc.)
2. When it says that power card number substitutions can only be used once per battle roll (page 16 rule book); If you use a No 6 power card, which explodes, can you use a second no 6 power card to cause it to explode a second time? Or do you have to roll a die because its the same battle roll.
3. In the three games what we've played with someone as the psyker, it seems they can quickly outpace most others in terms or leveling. Mostly, because they essentially are all but required to play a power card a turn; either playing high number cards for rolls or the card abilities.
Appreciate any info or input.