Age of Rebellion Beta discounts final product?

By Obsidian Razor, in General Discussion

Hi everyone!

I'm interested in grabbing the Age of Rebellion beta, as a couple of my regular players have expressed interest on playing an adventure or short campaign during the rebellion era.

A friend recently mentioned to me that if you buy the beta when the final game comes out, you get a discount on it for having bought the beta.

Can anyone confirm this? I've seen no confirmation anywhere asides from my friends comment.


Rumours like this cropped up during the beta of EotE, but were unfounded. There wasn't any discount on the EotE Core for having purchased that beta, so I doubt there will be for the AoR Core.

Thanks for confirming that it's just a rumor :)

Thanks for confirming that it's just a rumor :)

Well, the honest answer is "it depends." I bought a copy of the Edge of the Empire Beta at a local game store a while back, and they offered me a discount on the core rulebook if I brought the beta in when I bought the corebook. You may be able to find such a deal locally. As far as FFG is concerned, however, mouthymerc is right. There's no "official" discount.

Any discounts would be purely through your local gaming store.

From FFG's perspective, they've already provided a "discount" by allowing folks to view the new rules (species, careers, talents, starships) almost a year head of the planned release date. And there are certainly going to be folks that will have bought the AoR Beta and just stick with that, figuring they don't need the extra fluff material that's going to be packed in to the AoR core rulebook, so that's a sale of the more lucrative* core rulebook that FFG's not getting.

*pure speculation on my part; given the price of RPG books, selling the Beta books at $30 a pop can't be as profitable as selling the core rulebooks at $60 a pop, even after you factor in printing costs for the larger hardcover tome.