In actual play?

By DavetheLost, in Star Wars Roleplaying Specialization and Adversary Decks

Now that the first Spec Decks have been out for a while how have people found them to be in actual play? Do they see use at the table? During game prep?

Have they been worthwhile? Are they more than just great art?

I run a public game at a FLGS. The store has the cards in stock, but I have not seen a single player purchase or use these cards at my table.

One guy at my table bought one for his career and uses it. It's nicely done.

Is each card illustrated in the deck? If so, I think I might pick up one or two for my favorite specs.

I have bought most of them as use them.

As a player I have them with me during play as they help to remind me what talents I may bring to bear in a situation. I like the visual reminders and the artwork is quite nice (and yes jerrypocalypse, each card is illustrated, though a talent that can be found in different trees uses the same art for multiple decks).

As a GM I put the card for the talents each player possesses in plastic sheet designed for holding cards and I give the sheet to each player before game. I want them to be able to see their talents laid out before them and I don't expect them to buy their own cards, so I do the buying for them.

I plan on picking up a couple decks just to see if they're worth getting. One profession deck and the other being the Signature deck. If they're as good as I hope, then I'll probably pick up the rest. Hopefully they will be, I need to spend more money on SW RPG stuff. ;)

As a GM I put the card for the talents each player possesses in plastic sheet designed for holding cards and I give the sheet to each player before game. I want them to be able to see their talents laid out before them and I don't expect them to buy their own cards, so I do the buying for them.

I personally do the exact opposite, I don't expect my players to buy all the books, but if they want something extra for their characters, they will have to get it themselves.

Imo, having the cards in a plastic sheet with your character sheet is a good way of keeping everything nice and tidy during play. Also, I don't have to pass my CRB around everytime a character wants to buy a talent, they can just check their deck of cards instead.

I have to say I'm actually fairly impressed with them. Not sure about the rough material they made them with, but, they're not that bad really.

I actually like the texture of them! I've been intending to put them in sleeves but I like the feel of them so I haven't done it yet.

I'm going to suggest it to my players but I don't really expect them to buy anything. I've got most of them and I intend to buy the rest, so I'll have the talents for each spec they might have.

We're just getting started but as we buy and use talents I do intend to have them out as reference during play.

Well this saves me starting the topic of " Do you have to buy the Specialization Decks? "


No you don't.

The FFG RPG PD will not come kicking down your door for not owning them. You can just stick to using the book.

Are they useful though?


Yes. If you don't want to spend time flicking through a book and looking at the character sheets. Just keep the cards with the character sheet and that's all you'll need.

Will I get the needed decks then?


Yeah, why not. Anything to make life easier.

:) Thanks all!

Edited by Tamati Khan

Only one of my players use them regularly. He likes them for the once per session abilities to remind him which he has used and which he hasn't simply by flipping them over.

We have been using them at our table for our recently started campaign. It's still early, so players only have a few Talents, but it is helpful to have as reference.

We have one player who has all the books and knows the rules intimately, but he loves using cards as reference.

Another player is a casual player who doesn't have any of the books and for her they are very useful because she doesn't have to look up what her talents do. When she's being attacked, she can scan quickly her cards and point to "Dodge", knowing what it does.

I agree that they're a useful visual reminder and reference. Also, they look great! If you are comfortable using a character sheet they aren't necessary.

My players are not the most well funded so I have been slowly picking up decks as I can probably going to pick up the rest in a few months. It is my intention to let my players look them over see what spec really strikes their fancy. After that my plan is at the beginning of game distribute out the talents they have. That way people remember they have talents and then when play is on going they got a physical/visual representation of them right there in front of them. With AoR coming out though might have to get another card case so they don't mix as I do like some order in things.

The information is in the books and on their character sheets. Never felt the need for any and none of my players have used them, and nor can I see any doing so.
Especially with the shear number of careers and specialisations. I see though they are dropping in price in the UK, from their original £5.99 to £3.25 now.. so I guess they haven't proved as popular for shops as they had hoped.