So we were playing this quest with 3 heroes today and rather:
1) the rules are horrendously skewed towards the overlord
2) i am reading the quest rules totally wrong
The rules in this quest read:
"As an action, while adjacent to the sinking carriage, a hero or lieutenant may test strength. If he passes, remove each figure from the sinking carriage and place it in an adjacent empty space"
So we were playing it this way, the heroes had their first turn got no where near the sinking carriage. Popped a couple ranged shots off at the shadow dragon on the pond leaving it with 3 hit points left.
Next the overlord went, Bol Goreth moved adjacent to the carriage with 1 action, then with his second action tests strength (of which he has 6) and of course passes the test with his high strength. Next the overlord plays frenzy on the shadow dragon, moves adjacent to the villages with 1 move action, then proceeds to use the two attacks, both surge with fire breath and wipes out all 4 villages. The game was over in two monster activations of the overlord without a hope at all the the heroes could win.
What am i missing here ? Or what are the rules missing here ? Or this was a completely legitimate play and the overlord should have won ?
There is nothing in the rules about the lock having to be destroyed for the overlord or the players to remove the villages from the sinking raft when using a strength test. Adding this rule however seemed like it would break the other rules in the quest and things just did not make a lot of sense if this rule were implemented. Which then we felt would require other rule changes for the quest to make sense again - all in all it felt the rules that would make the quest make sense and be fair to both players seemed to deviate quite far from the original rules.
Instead of playing this quest and change the rules we decided that the overlord could pick which other trollfens quest he would like to do and we are instead doing this.
If anyone could shed any light on this we are all ears ! Even if you think its fair that the Overlord could win with 2 monster activations + 1 frenzy card in this manner because the heroes did not mange to kill the shadow dragon on their first go; your totally entitled to your opinion and should chime in.