Do you guys have The Cold Guild?

By ThenDoctor, in Rogue Trader

In dark heresy there's a group of people that deal expressly in trading dangerous xeno stuff to people. Just wondering if you guys had information on the Cold Trade in general or in particular the Cold Guild?

I understand Rogue Traders can do this in general just curious if there was any further information.

Hostile Acquisitions has a lot of backstory about the Cold Trade in the Koronus Expanse. It goes into detail about how they were formed, why they bothered consolidating and what each of their roles are.

Trafficking in Xenos artifacts is illegal, and selling them to private citizens is frowned on by the Inquisition, using their usual level of restraint and tact. Rogue Traders are allowed to meet and trade with Xenos creatures in a limited fashion, but then turning around and selling it to bored Imperial Nobles is a crime that Rogue Traders have been executed for in the past.

Hostile Acquisitions is the best read on that subject. There'a also a bit about Kasballica Mission in the Edge of Abyss.