No Rule book1

By Captain Cripple, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Help just opened Desent and no rule booK! How can I get one?

Contact the customer service people at FFG and tell them the situation, they should be able to send you one.

If you want to just look at the rulebook, its available online in the Support section. The Quest book however is not.

Contact Fantasy Flight Games customer service. They are usually great about these things. Make sure if one or both books are gone. There should be a quest guide book and a "rules of play"-book included with the game.

- NoNamium

Yea sent them a e-mail but no response. I do have the quest book though!

I must be going crazy. Can't find the rules in the support section.

And if you can't get the Quest book, you could always try one of the Bonus Quests they have up.

Found it. I kept over looking the link. LOL. SPoke to them. They will be sending me a rule book. Thanks for the help!