When is the best time...

By poobaloo, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

...to fight a lieutenant?

I playtested this battle a few times...

I have Laughin Buldar, Battlemage Jaes, Runewitch Astarra, and Laurel Bloodwood...

Laughin has Mighty and Knight (nice), while Laurel has Dwarven Firebombs (again nice) and Marksman. Jaes and Runewitch are basically on shop items, as we have not drawn any magic, tho Jaes does have Water Pact / Knockback.

CT is around 20-20. Alric is about to raze Riverwatch, under the direction of the Beastman Lord.

I have simulated the attack if we go at him... in most cases, the heroes can get up and kill off his minions (all copper) without trouble, with a likelihood of losing 1-2 heroes. At that point, the ability to damage Alric is in question... Laughin Buldar and Laurel can hurt him, as Buldar has +5 damage (2 for the morning star off hand, 2 for mighty, and 1 for the Belt of Strength), while Laurel has the ability to trade rolled range for damage. Figure the two mages cant likely cut the armor consistently. He has regen 5.

In every way I analyze this battle, he either manages to flee, or seems to be able to pick the heroes off (focusing on Laurel first, of course) reducing the damage-producing heroes by 50%.

So do you just accept that Riverwatch will fall against the Beastman Lord, or go for it? Is it worth forcing the flee and saving the city if it means you take some heavy losses? Figure best case, Buldar survives by himself, which means we lost about 2+3+4, or 9 CT to force a flee. Then there's Merrick just down the road who could challenge the heroes the following turn.

In NO case do I see a way the heroes can actually force an LT kill, since they are too fast, and there is no grapple in the party.

poobaloo said:

...to fight a lieutenant?

I playtested this battle a few times...

I have Laughin Buldar, Battlemage Jaes, Runewitch Astarra, and Laurel Bloodwood...

Laughin has Mighty and Knight (nice), while Laurel has Dwarven Firebombs (again nice) and Marksman. Jaes and Runewitch are basically on shop items, as we have not drawn any magic, tho Jaes does have Water Pact / Knockback.

CT is around 20-20. Alric is about to raze Riverwatch, under the direction of the Beastman Lord.

I have simulated the attack if we go at him... in most cases, the heroes can get up and kill off his minions (all copper) without trouble, with a likelihood of losing 1-2 heroes. At that point, the ability to damage Alric is in question... Laughin Buldar and Laurel can hurt him, as Buldar has +5 damage (2 for the morning star off hand, 2 for mighty, and 1 for the Belt of Strength), while Laurel has the ability to trade rolled range for damage. Figure the two mages cant likely cut the armor consistently. He has regen 5.

In every way I analyze this battle, he either manages to flee, or seems to be able to pick the heroes off (focusing on Laurel first, of course) reducing the damage-producing heroes by 50%.

So do you just accept that Riverwatch will fall against the Beastman Lord, or go for it? Is it worth forcing the flee and saving the city if it means you take some heavy losses? Figure best case, Buldar survives by himself, which means we lost about 2+3+4, or 9 CT to force a flee. Then there's Merrick just down the road who could challenge the heroes the following turn.

In NO case do I see a way the heroes can actually force an LT kill, since they are too fast, and there is no grapple in the party.

Alric is very tough. Having said that, a few power pots and a decent weapon or two and he is killable (though probably not before he can flee). A power pot attack from Buldar with a Shillelagh and Morning Star could easily do 20ish damage (13-15 for an Axe), so three of those from a Battle and Alric is down to 15-20 wounds already. A battle from Laurel could then finish him, especially if with a power pot or two as well. Power pots are your friend here. Even the Mages can help with Powerpots, though probably not that effectively.

Also note that with Jaes able to Knockback at range, Jaes could advance, knockback Alric to a better position (possibly even twice) and then 2 heroes could block the exits in front and behind of Alric - trapped!

Anyway, in general taking on Lts is much better later in the level than early. Especially Alric. Whether forcing him to flee is worth the resources lost (and CT given up) or not is your decision, and not necessarily an easy one.

Personally, I would be more likely to go and do an entire dungeon first - get through one more all-bronze dungeon before the OL can upgrade. You will then have more resources (2-6 more treasure picks) available and Alric may not raze anyway. You might then find it better to ignore Alric for now, accept the loss of Riverwatch, and get your secret training. Then hit Alric later.