What kind of weapons do you allow Ogre characters to use in one hand? On the back side of the Maneater Career Card they mention that Ogres can use Hand Guns as Pistols. Do you judge that Ogres also can use Double Handers in one hand (without penalty)?
Edited by HashKey64Quick Ogre Question to GMs
Doesnt the weapon come the size of the creature? Eg a two handed for a halfling would be smaller in the hands of a human.
If you ever saw a picture of an Orge with a two handed weapon, its the size for them and they use both hands to wield it.
I think the handgun = pistol thing is for the size of the ammunition, I doubt a ogre could hold a pistol shot
Funny no rules for bow and crossbows with bigger arrows/bolts.
The ogre warhammer fantasy battles games shows the really big ogres carrying small cannons in two hands.
As a GM I could rule that ogres can use greatweapons in one hand. But then there are questions about Action Cards... does the weapon still count as a two-handed weapon or is it considered a one-handed weapons. If it is... can all Action Cards which apply to dual-weilding be used? I forsee trouble with this.
And... what are the stats for true ogre two-handers if if greatweapons handled by ogres are one-handers?
Maybe better not to go there at all except for the handgun counting as a pistol thingy.
I've allways thought that the stats for the different weapon types in WFRP3ed are used regardless of the size of the wielder. I.e. an Ogre wielding a great weapon would still only get DR7 CR2, even thought it was great weapon sized for the ogre.
The bonus dagmage for ogres, come from the fact that the ogres generally have a higher strength score than others. The high strength will make them do more damage in two ways.
1. They will roll more (positive) dice, thus getting a higher number of successes, boons.
2. Their strength score will add to damage directly.
A great weapon would still be a great weapon, but if an ogre picks up a human great weapon I'd probably call it a hand weapon for the ogre and go with the stats for hand weapons instead.
I've allways thought that the stats for the different weapon types in WFRP3ed are used regardless of the size of the wielder. I.e. an Ogre wielding a great weapon would still only get DR7 CR2, even thought it was great weapon sized for the ogre.
The bonus dagmage for ogres, come from the fact that the ogres generally have a higher strength score than others. The high strength will make them do more damage in two ways.
1. They will roll more (positive) dice, thus getting a higher number of successes, boons.
2. Their strength score will add to damage directly.
A great weapon would still be a great weapon, but if an ogre picks up a human great weapon I'd probably call it a hand weapon for the ogre and go with the stats for hand weapons instead.
A human greatweapon in an ogre's 1 hand should IMO still be DR7 CR2, simply due to the fact that it still has the exact same damage capabilities. Essentially, I'd use it as a Two Handed weapon, without the penalties for using it 1 handed (for an Ogre).
A Hand Weapon shouldn't even be used by an ogre. I mean technically I don't even think an ogre could hold one due to the small size of its hilt (relative to the ogre's hand).
Size clearly matters, which is why a human hand weapon has lower damage than a human great weapon. As such, an ogre-sized hand weapon in my view would be DR7 CR2, while an ogre-sized Great weapon might be something like DR9 CR2.
Yes, size matters, but it also matters if you swing it in one or two hands. But I my interpretation above mainly for the sake of simplicity, and as ogres will do a lot of damage anyways.
I tend to agree with Preacherman on this one. They are so massive and strong (We are talking about 10 feet, 600 lbs creatures) that it has to reflect on the DR of their weapons.
Edited by Hauer Glaeken
Discussions like this lead me to ban ogres from my game. xd
I simply use the RAW for ogres. PC ogres are not the massive champions of the Ogre kingdoms. They're the puny versions.
Related: I pretty much ban them from my games too. That has been the case for probably all my games. Giant mental ' tard s whose sole purpose is to deal damage, add nothing to a story-driven campaign. Its uncomfortable at best for the first 14 seconds and gets old really fast. They are only good for tabletop miniatures games imho, but I'm a bit of an elitist on what kind of b.s. I'll put up with at my tables anymore Sure, it could be pulled off..but mostly it's just another unnecessary game-breaker..hence why I actually created those small canons initially for my campaign..and then they quickly disappeared.
Edited by EmirikolOgres are much more than mere brutes who can do a lot of damages, they are a part of a very amoral civilisation (beyond good and evil), their absolute values are the hunger. If correctly interpreted, they remind me the Trolls in Runequest I think they make great NPC and a perfect reminder of how puny men can be. Phil Kelly did a tremendous job by depecting their culture in the first Ogres Army Book. That's one the races that gives Warhammer all its specificty and one of my faves ones. (Forgive my bad english, I am french).
Well I have a ogre player in my group right now. We run it with the normal weapons. So no extra massive ogre-sized weapons with low crit-rate and hight dam-rates. But I'm thinking about ogre-size weapons and I might introduce such ones.
But ogres have big drawbacks in social situations and they can't take the same amount of damage they deal out? Ogres will have to walk around with its puny Gutplate for the rest of the campaign while other fighty types get full plates and magical armour?
To clarify my statement. I banned them for players because ogres make horrible PCs. They are absolutly overpowered (see below) and boring while adding nothing worthwhile to the game. Great for dungeon crawling but I don't care much for that anyways.
@HashKey64: Ogres can wear any armor over their gutplate for defence/soak and they can get STR and TO up to 7.
Edited by abidibladidudaWell, it depends what you make with them, It is all subjectivity. Again, they can be very interesting to play for a PC and I don't want to relagate them only to NPC.
Edited by Hauer Glaeken
@abidibla...: It will take til hell freeze over until our ogre can get a ogre-sized full plate armour. Who can make such an armor? What does it cost? 50 gold? How can it be worn over a Gutplate? Does the protection of the Gutplate combine with other armor?
If its easy for ogres to get armor I agree that they are OP. I thought they where more of a "glass-cannon" fighter (excuse the comparrison with mmorpg types).
By the rules the armor will cost him 20 gold because wfrp3 doesn't make a difference between sizes for items. The armor does fit over the gutplate because the rules say so. They don't explain it they just state the ogre can do it. The stats of the armor are used instead of those of the gut plate.
They are no glass cannons at all because you will start with a TO of 4 even if you don't invest any points in it which is still much higher then the normal character's value.
The whole issue of 2 handed weapons vs 1 handed weapons is the amount of force you put into the swing, so a 2 handed weapon will hit harder and will activate more crits.
If you use a 2 handed weapon with 1 hand, it will be awkward and have the extra penalties attached.
An Ogre holding a human sized Great Weapon will attack with the force of a hand weapon, same as a halfling using a dagger will attack with the force of a hand weapon. A halfling dagger would probably be something like a pocket knife to a human.
If an Ogre is using a 2 handed weapon that is of sufficient size, then he gets the DR7 and CR2, but that would look something like a 7 foot sword or a statue's Axe, etc..
Per the rules, wielding a 2-handed weapon in one hand is possible, it just adds an extra challenge die to the action. I'd just stick with that: The ogre's high strength is cancelling out the extra purple die--so he's not going to hit any more often than a human would, but when he hits it does a crazy amount of damage compared to a one-handed weapon.