It`s been talked over elsewhere don to death some might say, the old wound+soak+armour balance, should it be changed ? if it should then how should it be changed?
here a quick summary of my view
TB should be included in initial wound generation making it Homworld + TB + d5 this should be tracked throughout the life of the character so if TB increases so do wounds. This would crank down lethality slightly but hear me out the next part is the big hitter.
TB soak should be only be used against the first hit received to each location that turn. I.e. You can shrug off a single low damage hit but a barrage of them will plink you to death.
Armour values should be left as is, this one took a long time to come to terms with but I arrived there in the end. The simple fact is boosting any of the low value gear would devalue the upper end gear too much.