Elite Specialist Regiments

By venkelos, in Only War

I get everything you are saying; I know full well that every Guardsman, from the White Shield to the Lord Castellan (sitting on Cadia again, sorry) are expendable. Fluff-wise, I don't even have a problem with it. My whine just stems from this is an RPG, and what I want out if it. I in my life am not some big, important guy. My family loves me, and I do have friends who don't want me to do stupid things, and would miss me if I were gone, but my footprint on the world will be small. I usually play RPGs in order to be someone I view as cooler than me. If I am going to spend that much time writing a character, and giving them a decent back story (important to me, even if I'm NOT trying to justify cheese-aspects that character will have) I want them to feel a little more important, rather than "just another NPC that the Gm happened to give to another player's control." I don't need to be the guy who raised the Sword of Heroes, and used it to slay the Archdemon Overlord, but I do want to feel like a character. I have a name, and Fate Points, where most don't.

There's always the chance that this simply means that OW isn't the game for me (though you won't get rid of my other commentaries that easily ;) ), or it could more depend on what the GM is running (finishing No Surrender might feel pretty epic, depending on the outcome). I just prefer to be 1 in a million, rather than just another among millions. Even in our military, there are some heroes who are well-known for their deeds, and not every one died performing them, who weren't "just the general". This game just sort of seems to stifle it, with you having little room to advance beyond squad-level (which I like and hate), and capping some gear. Oh well, despite my endless whining, I still like it more than BC and DH, on par with DW, and just a bit behind RT.

I get everything you are saying; I know full well that every Guardsman, from the White Shield to the Lord Castellan (sitting on Cadia again, sorry) are expendable. Fluff-wise, I don't even have a problem with it. My whine just stems from this is an RPG, and what I want out if it. I in my life am not some big, important guy. My family loves me, and I do have friends who don't want me to do stupid things, and would miss me if I were gone, but my footprint on the world will be small. I usually play RPGs in order to be someone I view as cooler than me. If I am going to spend that much time writing a character, and giving them a decent back story (important to me, even if I'm NOT trying to justify cheese-aspects that character will have) I want them to feel a little more important, rather than "just another NPC that the Gm happened to give to another player's control." I don't need to be the guy who raised the Sword of Heroes, and used it to slay the Archdemon Overlord, but I do want to feel like a character. I have a name, and Fate Points, where most don't.

There's always the chance that this simply means that OW isn't the game for me (though you won't get rid of my other commentaries that easily ;) ), or it could more depend on what the GM is running (finishing No Surrender might feel pretty epic, depending on the outcome). I just prefer to be 1 in a million, rather than just another among millions. Even in our military, there are some heroes who are well-known for their deeds, and not every one died performing them, who weren't "just the general". This game just sort of seems to stifle it, with you having little room to advance beyond squad-level (which I like and hate), and capping some gear. Oh well, despite my endless whining, I still like it more than BC and DH, on par with DW, and just a bit behind RT.

Then just fiddle with the rules a little. :)

@Venkelos- Trying to get back to the original post, have you considered giving your regiment grappling hooks instead of jetpacks? Maybe modify 'em to "launch" your troops into the air, at which point they use their grav chutes to land safely. Jetpacks are cool and all, but remember that the two human factions that use them (Marines and SoBs) are also wearing powered armor. For troops who, at best, can hope for a few more armor plates, would probably follow this logic:


And who knows. Maybe the upcoming OW supplement will open things up a bit.