Imperial Guard Garrisons and Battlefield Koronus

By Jetpack, in Rogue Trader

So, just finished Battlefield Koronus and I see that it has rules in it for land combat. The crazy grognard in me loves that, so I start wondering how big the Imperial Guard garrisons are that you can have for RT colonies. Has anyone put any thought into this, as I'm working on a belief that the larger the size of a colony, the more Guard there in a garrison to protect it.



Colonies and Imperial Worlds are (usually) not directly protected by the Imperial Guard. That's the job of the PDF (Planetary Defence Force).

The size, quality and nature of Planetary Defence Forces are almost entirely up to the planets themselves to determine. It is entirely possible to have an extremely small PDF, supported by large ion cannons, and it's equally possible for every single person to be full-time members of the PDF.

If you are founding colonies as a Rogue Trader, the nature of the PDF is entirely up to you and the colonists, especially since you will likely be doing so outside of the Imperium proper. It is unlikely that you will even be tithed to contribute to the Imperial Guard within several lifetimes.

Edited by Fgdsfg

Generally you are not going to have Imperial Guard regiments guarding your colony unless you have the appropriate Support Upgrade. If you do, I assume 2000 for a small ( size 1-4), 10,000 for a large (size 5-8), and 50,000 for Massive (size 9-10) colonies. Without the upgrade the only forces are are a small Militia of poorly equiped troops (1 per 1,000 at most).

Now, my players have supplimented that with dozens of Militia regiments and several Imperial Guard regiments raised by the House itself. They are a bit paranoid about security though, as colony creation and development is a big part of their goals in the game. Their main system has a size 10 Agro colony and a size 8 Ad Mech research colony (being developed to found a Forge World). They have a light cruiser, raider, and 6 Wolfpack Raider System Defense ships in system. Each colony has several smaller orbitals that mount weapons and carry fighters/bombers as well.