Runemaster Thorn's Hero Ability

By Foxburr, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If this has been covered anywhere else, I apologize in advance for the post. Please direct me to the answer. I conducted a cursory search, however, and found no answer.

Runemaster Thorn's Hero Ablitiy says, "Once per turn, Runemaster Thorn may spend 5 movement points to move to any empty space in his line of sight." Does that mean he "teleports" to the space, essentially popping up in the target spot (bending two points in space so that they meet, if you will). Or does that mean he zooms through all the spaces in between in order to enter the target spot?

Then answer certainly matters for purposes of trapping. If he is essentially teleporting. I say he can be trapped at this target empty space, but not at any point between.

What say you, oh wise ones of the forums?

Best of my knowledge, its teleport and he is only trappable on the space he enters at the end of the movement.

I concur.

And I speak at great length about nothing at all that the mighty forum software will deign to allow me to publish this post.

One more for the "he only enters the space he lands in" club. The wording is he moves to that space by spending 5 movement. Not that he moves through all spaces on his way there. If you want to trap him, you're gonna have to wait until he finishes what for all intents and purposes is his teleportation.

Agreed. I've always played it as he teleports to his target space. Perhaps the ability would be clearer if it stated "he spends all of his movement to move to any space in his line of sight." Of course, I suppose there are situations where he will have more than 5 movement points.

Here's an interesting thought, can he run(thus granting him 10 movement) port to the end of a hallway, and then spend the remaining 5 points to move, say, around a corner that was initially not in his line of sight.

Not only can he have more than 5 movement, he can have less. Your wording would allow him to teleport for free when battling. And don't forget that heroes can gain movement at arbitrary times during their turns by spending fatigue.

With the actual wording (costs 5 movement), he can move normally, teleport, and continue moving normally afterwards if he has enough movement, either by running or by spending fatigue. It's even possible in some cases for him to teleport using only fatigue. But he's limited to one teleport per turn.