There's a relatively new store in the Tacoma area called Nerdy Stuffs...
...that is looking to get a lot of Fantasy Flight stuff going on an Organized Play level. But we need bodies in the seats to make it happen. We want to really get behind Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Netrunner, and X-Wing - but of course if there's interest, we'll support pretty much anything we have players interested in playing. Personally, I even want to get an Edge of the Empire group going.
We have open gaming any time we're open. Anyone is welcome to come in, grab a table, and go. Right now, the only people taking advantage of this are Magic EDH/Commander players. Anyone in the area (the store is across Pacific Avenue from PLU) who wants to drop in for some pick-up games, help get a core group to build OP around would be welcome any time.