At the very least some more ancient ones would be nice. Although more multi stage campaigns would be better.
At the very least some more ancient ones would be nice. Although more multi stage campaigns would be better.
I would love a Shub-Niggurath or Yog-Sothoth campaign. I have money to throw at you FFG, help me out!
I would love a Shub-Niggurath or Yog-Sothoth campaign.
ABSOLUTELY AGREE. The Yog-Sothoth one could be with lots of portals to other places with the adventures that we have and new ones. In the museum you have to collect tokens to open portals that you can use later in the 2nd. part or something like that.... and Shub-Niggurath can happen on the swamps of Louisiana or Dunwich... but if they release expansions I doubt that they put 2 big adventures together...
Following the trend of releases they had to release it last november so I hope they release an expansion for Christmas!!!
Edited by reborn
How about one with Wilbur Watley and the Dunwich Horror?
Would also like to see more campaigns of medium difficulty. Something in the range of the Cthulu module, where it's challenging but not almost impossible.
Yeah, please more campaigns. I love this game.
I think its time to accept that this game is dead. Which is a shame, I would have played new campaigns for eternity. Did it not sell well? Was it too expensive to produce more art? FFG is certainly a company that loves expansions, but its been too long since the last one, I feel like.
+1 for an update with new campaigns. Wish they would do it. I own Arkham Horror and all the expansions so FFG has gotten a lot of money from me...would love to give them another 2.99 each for any new campaigns they would come up with...this app is a great way to ease people into the boardgame..just to give them a taste of the diversity of the game.
Edited by Finnius+another for me.
Yeah, they were pretty consistent putting out campaign expansions every 6 months or so for the first year and a half it was out- it's been about a year and a half since the last one, I think. I've played the game to death- though I really love it, it is starting to feel a little tired, and I may have to move on to something else for my daily fix on the train ride home from work. I would purchase anything they decided to add. I've noticed that the game is usually in the top 150 in the strategy category on the iApps store, and top 100 for board games, but I'm not sure if that means just the base game, and the campaign expansions haven't sold enough to warrant another expansion. I also noticed the game doesn't get a whole lot of reviews, and there's always a good number claiming "it's unwinnable", "the dice randomization is poorly implemented and stacked against the player", etc. Total hogwash, but, as they say, haters gonna hate...
I'm hoping for a surprise come October (which, of course, would be in time for Halloween, when I would expect interest in a game like this would peak). If there's nothing announced for the app or the board game by then, I wouldn't be holding my breath for anything new coming down the pike. Would make me sad, as this is probably my all-time favorite game (both app and board).
Yes, please for the love of all that is unholy, more expansions please! I would pay a lot for more expansions. And I bought all the board games because of this little app...
more expansions please, I really love this game and would want to throw more money at it
+1 from me as well. I'd gladly pay another $2.99 for another adventure.
Though with lack of any updates I too think this game is dead.
+1 for me.
I'll gladly spent my money on more campaigns.
I love how they implemented the campaign stuff into the game. More of that plz.
+1! Lots of people are still coming across the app!
I for one just found it on the app store after browsing one day and decided to buy it to try it out.
Been hooked and waiting for more. Hopefully they won't abbadon us!
Add me in there. I've bought this game on 3 platforms..
I'd love to see some more stuff on the Steam version.
Yes!!!!! More expansions Please!!!!
Just bought it.
Enjoying it greatly.
Would purchase further expansions too.
Expansion: Mountains of madness could be great! shoggot in the end
Yes! More expansions. I'd pay twenty dollars for another expansion, if they are worried about costs. Come ON Fantasy Flight, give us what we want!