Dedicated Devastators - Rapid Reload Improvement

By pearldrum1, in Deathwatch House Rules

This is rather specific and it only came to me because a game I am currently in has 2 Devastators. Let me know what you think, if it is even viable or if it is just a waste of time. I think it could be cool.


Cost : None; Rank 3 improvement for Rapid Reload

Prereq : Devastator Marine; used for Heavy Weapons only.

Effects : After working in tandem with another Heavy Weapons specialist on the same Kill Team for some time, the Marine can safely and rapidly assist in reloading his team mate's heavy weapons. If the Marine wishes, he may sacrifice his action in order to half the reload time of a squad mate's heavy weapon. The effects of this stack with Rapid Reload. For example, If character A has rapid reload and is reloading a heavy weapon that normall takes 2 full rounds, it will be cut in half by his Rapid Reload Talent to 1 full round and further cut in half by the fellow Devastator assisting him to 1/2 a round.

I also am thinking of a separate talent for the same situation (multiple Devs in a squad) where one dev acts as a spotter on a single target and can give his aim bonus to another Dev in Vox range. Thoughts?

Edited by pearldrum1

My main response is that Devs are already one of the best specs, if not the best. They don't "need" any more love.

But I'll be damned if it doesn't feel good to love on them. ;)

In any case, don't boost Devs til you heartily boost Apothecaries.

In any case, don't boost Devs til you heartily boost Apothecaries.

Meh. I gave the Daughters of Death enough Apothecary love and they are playable in all of my games. I would say that they are sufficiently boosted.

Well-made home-brew chapters don't automatically improve a lackluster spec. Especially if said chapters don't always feature in games you run.

That is a good point. A general improvement to Apoth. in general is nice, you are right.

So, I have a situation that maybe you can help me with. Perhaps by answering a very general question first.

How do you handle Missile Launcher (Soundstrike) reloads? They come in 8 missile magazines, so do you have your players with the Soundstrike have these Box Magazines hanging off their armor?

I attempted to come up with a solution for Devastators that keeps the Backpack Ammo Supply relevant. Essentially it allows the backpack ammo supply to hold 4 soundstrike reloads inside of it that can be accessed through an automated slot at the bottom of the backpack. Hypothetically, without the problems of where the missile launcher sits on the shoulder while wearing said backpack, does this seem like a viable alternative to you?

Edit: So, I re-read the soundstrike description and it already comes with a back-mounted ammo cache. I have officially made something way more complicated than it needed to be. Apologies.

Furthermore, the GM asked what happens if the backpack takes a direct hit. I assumed the hit would have to penetrate the backpack armor which would be equal to the variant I am wearing - mk 7. So, 10 AP. Then if it still did damage after penetration how would you handle missile detonation or something like that?

Edited by pearldrum1

Hm, good question. I might assume that the warheads aren't primed until they're loaded into the tube, for safety reasons. So perhaps the "clip" is ruined and unusable. I personally wouldn't have it explode to damage the player a lot, seems like too much.