This is rather specific and it only came to me because a game I am currently in has 2 Devastators. Let me know what you think, if it is even viable or if it is just a waste of time. I think it could be cool.
Cost : None; Rank 3 improvement for Rapid Reload
Prereq : Devastator Marine; used for Heavy Weapons only.
Effects : After working in tandem with another Heavy Weapons specialist on the same Kill Team for some time, the Marine can safely and rapidly assist in reloading his team mate's heavy weapons. If the Marine wishes, he may sacrifice his action in order to half the reload time of a squad mate's heavy weapon. The effects of this stack with Rapid Reload. For example, If character A has rapid reload and is reloading a heavy weapon that normall takes 2 full rounds, it will be cut in half by his Rapid Reload Talent to 1 full round and further cut in half by the fellow Devastator assisting him to 1/2 a round.
I also am thinking of a separate talent for the same situation (multiple Devs in a squad) where one dev acts as a spotter on a single target and can give his aim bonus to another Dev in Vox range. Thoughts?
Edited by pearldrum1