Some good food for thought here.
My two cents: PC SoB won't be some rank and file Sister just like every other character is a at least a lesser "noble" on his own. I mostly agree with Radwraith but aren't we making RT a bit to legal action-proof? I mean we're taking about **** inquisitors no some willy-nilly governors or IG generals. I understand influance system working in the Imperium yet still this is inquisitors's very own turf and by default they should've a neat edge here.
Consider: what should RT do to take down some random inquisitor by legal action only? If answer is the same or almost the same as in the case of inquisitor taking down RT then imho there's something wrong.
Unfortunately that's pretty much the way it would work. A RT could, if he felt it was warranted, petition to have the Inquisitor sanctioned for interfering with his Holy remit (The Warrant). This would probably trigger the same review process in reverse!
Remember: in the Byzantine structure of the Imperium there is only Bureaucracy! The Imperium functions very much like Colonial Europe. Slow communications mean that governmental actions are very slow to play out. Because of this the Status of a given Individual is key to how fast justice comes to them. For an average Imperial citizen it's pretty quick since an Arbites can pronounce sentence and carry it out on the spot! (They were borrowed from Judge Dredd after all.) For a RT or Inquisitor it's a lot tougher! These people are Peers of the Imperium! On the same order as Space Marine Chapter masters and Ecclesiarchs. They are notoriously difficult to take action against as the plaintiff must have the "standing" to bring such action. While actual Arbites Judges Have that standing so do RT's and Inquisitors. Even among their own ranks this is not an easy thing. When they start crossing it becomes even more difficult! The Soul Drinker's were a good example of exactly this kind of situation. An Astartes Chapter master is not someone you want to cross generally. Neither is an Inquisitor and Neither is a Rogue trader! The SoB is NOT a peer of the Imperium and for that matter, neither is her Canoness! They would have to petition a higher authority for actual legal action. Of course that does not stop them from taking direct action to destroy perceived Heresy. This could include purging the RT's Imperial assets in an attempt to bring him to them! Depending on the RT, This could set off a star spanning conflict that the Inquisition and the Adeptus Terra would only hear about after it was over! In this situation the winner writes the history books so the Authorities would more or less shrug!