Using Dawn of Defiance

By WillisRBC, in General Discussion

I have all of the PDFs for the Dawn of Defiance campaign from the d20 Star Wars days. I was wondering what you guys thought about using it as the basis for a campaign using the new system. I'd like to give it a shot, but I don't want to end up with something that just doesn't work well. Would running things like the flight through the infrastructure of the huge ship at the end work in AoR? I'd like to think it would, but I'm not as familiar with the rules as many of you are.

My thread "Sink the Bellator!" haa some discussion of Dawn of Defiancw in it.

Edited by Lord Zack

Whoops never mind this post.

Edited by Lord Zack

I thought about doing this too; just adapting the story and its plot elements to an EotE system. I don't think it would be that difficult. Especially since the best "conversion" rubric you can use is to just "eyeball" it.

Since the campaign assumed a certain pace of leveling and advancement, it threw in a lot of combat the players way. I would first look at trimming that some. You aren't trying to make sure the players reach a certain level after each episode, so you can and should focus more on the story and the character development.

Edited by kaosoe

Yeah, you can probably trim down a lot of the combat encounters, either by reducing the number of foes (particularly towards the end of the campaign, given how much more dangerous this system is) or just eliminating several of them altogether.

There might be a bit of an issue with one of the major antagonists, given the lack of official material on the Force, but you can probably get by with the official material if it comes down to it. Though personally, I'd just deep-six the entire Echoes of the Jedi module and find some other means for the PCs to get the astrogation coordinates that they need. It reads and runs like a typical D&D dungeon crawl, and really doesn't contribute much of anything to the plot. Frankly, it's really just one big load of fanservice to the Living Force players, so if you're not familiar with that campaign, most of the references aren't going to mean a whole lot.

Re: the major antagonist in question: When in doubt, shamelessly rip off the Forsaken Jedi, Jedi-in-Hiding, or Emperor's Hand stat blocks from the EotE/AoR books.

How would you suggest doing away with the Echoes of the Jedi portion?

How would you suggest doing away with the Echoes of the Jedi portion?

Simple: Have the Jedi Master NPC they rescued in Part 2 have a proper vision of where the planet Nizon actually is, and thus able to provide the PCs the info necessary to get there. The only notable contribution Echoes of the Jedi honestly provides is a means to enable that same Jedi Master NPC to serve as a plot device and provide those coordinates, so you can just skip all that and go straight to the plot device effect.

Alternatively, you could craft your own adventure where the PCs have to infiltrate an Imperial base that Bail's agents cite as being tied to the Sarlacc Project, and have them uncover the coordinates that way. Might be more satisfying, as the PCs will have earned that information rather than having it handed to them via a plot device.

Might be more satisfying, as the PCs will have earned that information rather than having it handed to them via a plot device.

That's one of the main problems that I had with the story arc - it wasnt quite proactive enough. There were too many "return to base, recieve mission, perform mission, return to base, receive mission, perform mission. . . ." moments and not enough Game A leads to clue 001 which leads to Game B and clue 002. I was able to smooth those over when I ran it, but it took a bit of rewriting on my part.

(Actually, it was removing that Jedi mentor that they found in the Hutts stronghold in episode 2 that facilitated most of that. With her roll greatly reduced, changed around and otherwise on the cutting room floor, the game flowed together much more seamlessly)

Edited by Desslok

That's not a bad idea, and one I may keep in mind if I ever do opt to use Dawn of Defiance for this system.

Then again, she does come in handy if there are any players that have expressed an interest in learning the ways of the Force. Even if she's chooses not to instruct them in the ways of the Jedi, she could still provide a useful resource in learning about or improving on Force powers. When I last tried to run this series of modules, I had a Jedi PC that was an Order 66 survivor, and both player and character were ecstatic at finding her, since it meant that other Jedi had survived the purge, and that maybe she could help him on his path to become a Jedi Knight; I partially set-up Echoes of the Jedi as essentially being his "Trials" to become a Jedi Knight, and that the holocron wasn't just for enhancing her farseeing techniques but also to reclaim a piece of Jedi lore that might otherwise be lost forever. The mission was a success, but sadly the game fell apart due to the majority of the group feeling 'burned out' on d20 systems in general.

Edited by Donovan Morningfire