Unofficial Species Menagerie 3.0 Revised - Original EotE Layout

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So, it's been a couple of years, but just wanted to say: thanks for putting this together! It's a great fan resource!

Sorry for coming to the party late, I think it's cool and thanks for contributing. Not really sure where the hate is coming from.

The hate is coming from "thedearth" feeling slighted that after he told me to go piss off, I reached out to someone else to do a corrected version of the USM to fix the screw-ups he made (incorrect spellings of several species in particular).

But rather than just say "well fine, I'll move on and focus on my resource cards project," he had to try and re-claim the spotlight after a corrected version was put together by JegerGryte. So rather than do his own thing, he went back to swiping without at least asking permission. But then I guess I'm old-fashioned in that I make an effort to ask folks to use their material as well as honor a gentleman's agreement, and don't just grab with the expectation that it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. He did a scumbag thing, and is getting praised for it. Hell, the notion of actually asking various artists for the permission to use their artwork (something I did when working on earlier versions) was a completely foreign concept to him. Plus the accusation that myself and Fiddleback deliberately tried to screw him over when Fiddy published the USM update article a day earlier than I had figured, proving that his interest hasn't been "what cool resource can I provide to the community?" but instead "how can I draw attention to myself?" The only reason I wrote that GSA article was that Cyril had too many real-life complications; the game plan I had was for Cyril to write the "here's the latest version!" figuring that Fiddleback would then do a thread here and on d20 Radio saying "new version available!" and pretty much leaving me out of it. Sadly, things didn't work out that way as Cyril had the afore-mentioned complications (not that "thedearth" cared since it wasn't about him). Frankly, I should have cut the partnership right there, but I'd made a gentleman's agreement and stuck to it, because it was the right thing to do when a few folks I talked to about it said to do otherwise. Having already had prior work of mine outright stolen and the thief actually making money off of it when, what "thedearth" did strikes a very raw nerve, but not like he cares since it's not about him.

JegerGryte had reached to me about doing one final update to improve the quality of the revised version in addition to making a few updates that I didn't manage to pass along and even a few more new species... but since thedearth has proven he'd just swipe it without even saying "would you mind?", I don't see a point in bothering to do so.

There's also the matter that several of the species he'd re-included had been removed with the original author's okay and as a courtesy to FFG (who could shut down any and all versions of the USM if they so desired since the project does technically tread on their toes), but again, since it's not about him, he doesn't care so long as he gets the attention.

But if folks want a dolled-up version that's got mistakes galore, then knock yourselves out.

I'm pretty sure people know the correct spelling of those species, and if they think it is wrong they can just google it and then they will find the right spelling, also: WHO FREAK-IN CARES THESE ARE AWESOME. thank you the dearth.

This document was usefull when the rpg launched but today, it is pretty much outdated with all the species released in various supplemants.

Edited by vilainn6

This document was usefull when the rpg launched but today, it is pretty much outdated with all the species released in various supplemants.

Take a look at my spreadsheet I’ve been working on at

There are still quite a few species that are found only in the USM. Yes, it is aging, but I still think it’s a pretty good resource.

Still useful if a bit out dated, Jawas, Ubese, Cathar and Kubaz are nice to see

It is a pity they played it safe on the stats and stayed under the 2 2 2 2 3 1 formula. Luckily afterwards, FFG spread the spectrum to other combinations of stats

The resource is now less useful, but far from useless. I'm using the Cathar for my next PC. I'll amend her if they put out an official species write up.

I'm kinda surprised that nobody has thought about adding the Insect-like race, The Yagai, into a FFG Star Wars supplement. or even in the Wizards of The Coast books.

If anyone could find them in EotE, AoR or a FaD then please let me know! they are such a awesome race!

I'm kinda surprised that nobody has thought about adding the Insect-like race, The Yagai, into a FFG Star Wars supplement. or even in the Wizards of The Coast books.

If anyone could find them in EotE, AoR or a FaD then please let me know! they are such a awesome race!

Hmm. They’re not even in the GMAC thread.

Maybe you should ping SavageBob ?

Not sure why all the hate ?? This is an amazing resource, that someone has put so much time into. Far out people... Thank you so much mate!! Absolute legend to prepare all this. Know you are fully appreciated and we hope for more from you ??✌?

Edited by arlo di'lya

Greetings! Any suggestions for rishii?
