Unofficial Species Menagerie 3.0 Revised - Original EotE Layout

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


Well I guess most of you have noticed the whole story unfortunately without happy end.

However it ended, I always end my projects in proper ways.

I am sure some of you liked the look of the Species Menagerie in the original EotE Layout and therefore I'd like to provide you with exactly that: The Revised Menagerie in the original EotE Layout.

High Resolution [18 MB]:

Low Resolution [2,36 MB]:

This version:

- is content wise the same compared to the other one posted on this board, only with the EotE Layout.

- is searchable and optimized for mobile view (made with InDesign and not MS Publisher)

- includes all the Species which were demanded to be left out in previous versions. If you are not happy with the official species, you can have a look here.

I am not sure if I got all the errors and typos. If you find one, leave me a message and I'll fix it.

Have fun!

The Dearth

Good news!

Thank you for doing this despite every thing.

Thanks man! Looks great! I prefer the cleaner look and the time you put into it making it looking like it belonged in the FFG group! Please continue to make these types of fan made material. I just think some people are bitter that they cant pull off the stuff you can do and invest your time into it.

Well, nice to see that your lack of a truly professional attitude also extends to not only screwing up the things that were identified as being in error and thus necessitating the revision in the first place, but adding several more screw-ups as well.

I guess accuracy doesn't matter so long as it looks pretty and you can fool people into thinking it might be an actual FFG product.

If there is one thing my long time in life has taught me, it's when to know to let something go. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, to steal someone else's line.

You both passed that turn off about 50 miles back.

What good is being done by addressing each other in any manner?

Well, nice to see that your lack of a truly professional attitude also extends to not only screwing up the things that were identified as being in error and thus necessitating the revision in the first place, but adding several more screw-ups as well.

I guess accuracy doesn't matter so long as it looks pretty and you can fool people into thinking it might be an actual FFG product.

Donovan go troll somewhere else....seriously.."lack of a truly professional attitude" and you talk crap about him in your other " professional threads"....grow up cause your attitude sucks as well at this point.

"and you can fool people into thinking it might be an actual FFG product" I think people would know for one and 2 FFG would have him take it down...funny how its been up. Your childish behavior is amazing...really

Edited by Drathen

I don't think I'd ever think this was an actual Fantasy Flight product, what with Fantasy Flight not being able to publish .pdf's and all.

Sigh... lots of drama. Here's a sexy Sy Snootles to distract everyone!


Some time ago, before all this really got rolling, I was considering using you for some paid work for a future project. I was impressed with your demonstrated skills.

Now, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.

Some time ago, before all this really got rolling, I was considering using you for some paid work for a future project. I was impressed with your demonstrated skills.

Now, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.

ahhh now the other one that cant drop it. Maturity at its finest.

Some time ago, before all this really got rolling, I was considering using you for some paid work for a future project. I was impressed with your demonstrated skills.

Now, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.

ahhh now the other one that cant drop it. Maturity at its finest.

I think you'll find yourself in error. But do carry on.

Some time ago, before all this really got rolling, I was considering using you for some paid work for a future project. I was impressed with your demonstrated skills.

Now, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.

ahhh now the other one that cant drop it. Maturity at its finest.

I think you'll find yourself in error. But do carry on.

Nope,and I will, thank you

Just gave it a quick look through and I like it. My wife is going to get a kick out of the Verpine.

Looks good.

I mentioned this in another thread once: Snivvians are human sized in any of the movie's production photos and in the Clone Wars series. Check out Takeel and Zutton's heights here . I believe their Silhouette should be 1.

Even the Wiki entry seems to believe they're all 1.4 meter tall.

I think the short Snivvian misunderstanding was caused by this old Kenner Snaggletooth toy:


Well the PDF is out there and the ones who like to use it, can do so and the rest...nobody is forcing you. Sounds like a win-win. I don't see the problem.

Sorry for coming to the party late, I think it's cool and thanks for contributing. Not really sure where the hate is coming from.

Sorry for coming to the party late, I think it's cool and thanks for contributing. Not really sure where the hate is coming from.

The hate is coming from "thedearth" feeling slighted that after he told me to go piss off, I reached out to someone else to do a corrected version of the USM to fix the screw-ups he made (incorrect spellings of several species in particular).

But rather than just say "well fine, I'll move on and focus on my resource cards project," he had to try and re-claim the spotlight after a corrected version was put together by JegerGryte. So rather than do his own thing, he went back to swiping without at least asking permission. But then I guess I'm old-fashioned in that I make an effort to ask folks to use their material as well as honor a gentleman's agreement, and don't just grab with the expectation that it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. He did a scumbag thing, and is getting praised for it. Hell, the notion of actually asking various artists for the permission to use their artwork (something I did when working on earlier versions) was a completely foreign concept to him. Plus the accusation that myself and Fiddleback deliberately tried to screw him over when Fiddy published the USM update article a day earlier than I had figured, proving that his interest hasn't been "what cool resource can I provide to the community?" but instead "how can I draw attention to myself?" The only reason I wrote that GSA article was that Cyril had too many real-life complications; the game plan I had was for Cyril to write the "here's the latest version!" figuring that Fiddleback would then do a thread here and on d20 Radio saying "new version available!" and pretty much leaving me out of it. Sadly, things didn't work out that way as Cyril had the afore-mentioned complications (not that "thedearth" cared since it wasn't about him). Frankly, I should have cut the partnership right there, but I'd made a gentleman's agreement and stuck to it, because it was the right thing to do when a few folks I talked to about it said to do otherwise. Having already had prior work of mine outright stolen and the thief actually making money off of it when, what "thedearth" did strikes a very raw nerve, but not like he cares since it's not about him.

JegerGryte had reached to me about doing one final update to improve the quality of the revised version in addition to making a few updates that I didn't manage to pass along and even a few more new species... but since thedearth has proven he'd just swipe it without even saying "would you mind?", I don't see a point in bothering to do so.

There's also the matter that several of the species he'd re-included had been removed with the original author's okay and as a courtesy to FFG (who could shut down any and all versions of the USM if they so desired since the project does technically tread on their toes), but again, since it's not about him, he doesn't care so long as he gets the attention.

But if folks want a dolled-up version that's got mistakes galore, then knock yourselves out.

Wow still bitter much I see. Im sure FFG doesn't stand to well with continued online harassment.

If you really wanted to reach out to CrunchyDemon and tell him whats going on, you could have just pm him. cant just do have to keep preaching on whats been going on for months and still hold on to that bitterness and be a "scumbag" yourself and act like your 12 years old. Drop it already.

Sorry but he didnt steal a thing ...been there was discussed. You need to really seriously just grow up and let it go.The more you keep picking and trying to get this " oh pity me" attention, the more you will be disliked in this community.

"But if folks want a dolled-up version that's got mistakes galore, then knock yourselves out." as if your version is better? really...typos and corrections can be made...desperation by trying to change colors that are not even in tone with each other and jacked up blurred imagery is just god awful! I would prefer help someone improve a product or idea( that was already based on lore and design for years and years that no one holds rights too) so the community can enjoy rather then someone who thinks he actually owns the rights to the product in the first place.

Edited by Drathen

I have no bone to pick in this at all, but Donovan, why don't you guys admit you screwed up in publishing this as an open license and be done with the pissyness of your posts?

*YOU* screwed up, plain and simple. You didn't want your work to be open, you wanted it to be proprietary and owned by yourselves, that is fine. You put it out under Creative Commons, at that point, your input into anything, anybody does with the work is over. Period.

You guys did a great job with your files and the races you added and our group uses them every game honestly. TheDearth's layout *does* look a hell of a lot better. You both have contributed something, but claiming he swiped anything from you is doing nothing to make you look good in this community honestly. You guys do awesome work and I really hope to see it continue, but the tone of the posts back and forth isn't winning fans.

HK-47 : " Theory: Imagine, if you will, that you are unique. The pinnacle of an exiled, cast-out Jedi who can't even use the Force. Imagine that no one has sunk lower than you. That you are truly the most miserable example of a Jedi ever. " Exile : " I get it, already. " HK-47 : " Continuation: Now that you have that image, imagine this – someone clones you. Badly, I might add. They make the clones talk differently, rob you of any shred of personality, and take your Jedi Code and adjust it so that it is not really the Jedi Code anymore. They even change your pigmentation to a rather poor shade of durasteel, rather than the proper rusty red that inspires fear in targets. And of course, they refer to meatbags as 'organics.' Unacceptable. "

EDIT: I really appreciate this project, and while I like the shiny that is theDearth2's work, I do understand Donovan's frustration. This is my attempt to lighten the mood a little in a thread that has gone dark.

Edited by Kirdan Kenobi

These boards are hardly moderated... And calling this harassment? Have you seen some of the ErikB threads? You seen some of the less than decent and hurtful stuff I've posted? This is nothing.

DISCLAIMER: what follows is more a philosophical question, or observation, rather than a commentary on this particular dispute. I know people's feelings have been hurt with good reason (although I'm not privy to any details), and this is not meant as a slight against TheDearth nor Donovan! I'm also biased as I'm involved in the project, but I bear no ill will against either party as I've only had positive communications with both. So the reader should read this as a general commentary on forum behaviour and conflicts, not as pertaining to this particular dispute. It just happened to come upon me here and now, and this is a good a place as any to post it.

I know ethics and decency have become individualised relative values without any external disciplinarian factor anymore, and therefore "common decency" has become a meaningless term because we all hide behind screen names and anonymity to some degree or another... And we all claim authority over the "right kind" of decency, and further praise utilitarianism and rational choice theory as the new God (well a lot of people tend to these days), a sort of perversion of the Enlightenment project... Ah well. It seems conflict and division is cultivated as a virtue, because "we" are never in the wrong, only "they" are. Will it forever be like that? People becoming aggressively defensive because they cannot admit they should have thought it through once or twice more? Is it because it would be to admit defeat? Is it shame? A loss of "power"?

ADDENDUM: oh, and any slights against my page making, layout skills, and design choice, are taken in strides and appreciated for what it's worth. As Homer once said: trying is the first step towards failure. And it is from failure we learn. So, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better. (A golden star to whoever gets the second quote).

A well thought out post.

As I said...leave it to pm's and spare us the drama.

These boards are hardly moderated... And calling this harassment? Have you seen some of the ErikB threads? You seen some of the less than decent and hurtful stuff I've posted? This is nothing.

DISCLAIMER: what follows is more a philosophical question, or observation, rather than a commentary on this particular dispute. I know people's feelings have been hurt with good reason (although I'm not privy to any details), and this is not meant as a slight against TheDearth nor Donovan! I'm also biased as I'm involved in the project, but I bear no ill will against either party as I've only had positive communications with both. So the reader should read this as a general commentary on forum behaviour and conflicts, not as pertaining to this particular dispute. It just happened to come upon me here and now, and this is a good a place as any to post it.

I know ethics and decency have become individualised relative values without any external disciplinarian factor anymore, and therefore "common decency" has become a meaningless term because we all hide behind screen names and anonymity to some degree or another... And we all claim authority over the "right kind" of decency, and further praise utilitarianism and rational choice theory as the new God (well a lot of people tend to these days), a sort of perversion of the Enlightenment project... Ah well. It seems conflict and division is cultivated as a virtue, because "we" are never in the wrong, only "they" are. Will it forever be like that? People becoming aggressively defensive because they cannot admit they should have thought it through once or twice more? Is it because it would be to admit defeat? Is it shame? A loss of "power"?

ADDENDUM: oh, and any slights against my page making, layout skills, and design choice, are taken in strides and appreciated for what it's worth. As Homer once said: trying is the first step towards failure. And it is from failure we learn. So, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better. (A golden star to whoever gets the second quote).

"ADDENDUM: oh, and any slights against my page making, layout skills, and design choice, are taken in strides and appreciated for what it's worth.

I live with it every time I draw something or do something in adobe indesign or sucks or its great in the eye of the beholder...glad you can take it.

Believe me when I say this from the heart,

**** you guys, **** you all.

Edited by tombaker

Did people fail to see the part that he said "if you see mistakes, let me know and I can fix them". So what fear is there of mistakes? Why mention them in such a way, mention them individually and they'll be fixed. These threads are at least funny to read...