Well, playing (and mastering) a psyker in DH is fun, really. But I like RT system more, so I wish to use RT psy system - fettered-unfettered-push and lack of Threshold...
Well, I decide that by fluff Astropaths are something different as Sancionite. They really are some focused, and, that's matter, they can and must (must I mean as MUST, not "they should" or "they expected to" - they're soul-linked, btw) control their powers better.
So, this fluff abusing allow me to use DH rules for getting powers. Yes, Astropaths have lesser power list, and it's normal. They're narrow specialists. So, DH psyker can't use special Astropath's psy disciplines as Theosophamy or Soul Ward, and they can't use Astropath's talents as Rite of Sanctioning, Warp Affinity and so on.
A problem appeared with Minor Psychic Technics. First, they are wide. Wide even for DH. One psyker with Divination speciality can heal, levitate himself, perform Warp Spider with Space Slip and so on. Second, they're powerful.
So, I used this rule:
"There is no any “minor techniques” in RT psyker system, and some of minor techniques are not so minor. Space Slip is a good example.
So in this kind of conversion I use “General Techniques” concept. General Techniques are just useful tricks that can’t be put in any psyker’s Disciplines, so they’re unaffected by Discipline Focus, Invocation skill, Psy-Focus or other bonuses gained by skill and expertise. You can't meticulously use general technique. It’s just hastily formed raw psy power.
Any General Techniques can’t be used fettered."
May be, somebody is intrested.
Edited by Aenno