Question about large monsters and water obstacles

By plueschi2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello Forum,

first of all i apologize, because this question has probably been asked before, but the FAQ and the search function don't seem to help much...

the question is: does one single water obstacle block movement for a large monster, like rubble does?

I currently believe, the answers is yes, but that gives way for two conclusions:

the "hard" conclusion: In RtL combine the Incident "Hunting Spiders" with the location "Swollen Stream" and you don't have enough space to legally spawn 7 spiders.

the "soft" conclusion: Large Monsters are somewhat handicapped in outdoor encounters with very limited movement options. This sucks more, if the monsters in question are melee ones (Thaad, the Destroyer and his minions would be a nice example).

So what's is the correct answer about water obsatcles?

Greetings, plueschi

You are correct by the rules. Water is like rubble for movement, but just doesnt block LOS.

However, a lot of people (including me) feel the rules for water are stupid.

So, here are my house rules.

Indoor water is stupid, just accept it and move on.
Outdoor water is basically like mud except it is 3 movement points instead of 2.

Large Monsters aren't affected by Pits unless their whole figure goes into a pit, so I treat water the same.

as long as one square is out of the water, its not affected by the water square.

KAGE13 said:

Large Monsters aren't affected by Pits unless their whole figure goes into a pit, so I treat water the same.

as long as one square is out of the water, its not affected by the water square.

this is the way i feel about large monsters, too. Probably i go that route. Seems that many people are not playing water according to RAW.

Thanks for the answers.

...Water blocks movement...blood squids are deadly even for giants.