See I'm the opposite, I find that PDF's are cumbersome to use. Flicking from window to window, for me, is more unwieldly than having the book next to me open where I need it so all I need do is turn my head. But then, I tend to do my planning as a hand written draft and sprawl my stuff about the dining table (much to the chagrin of the missus ) then type it out from the notes.
It would appear I have created a far more heated discussion than I would like What I was should have just said in the first instance was
I Like Books!!!!
Rather, I can understand that digital media, especially in this day and age, is growing in popularity but a lot of companies are loathe to dive straight into it as it takes them away from their core business (their comfort zone if you will) and it can have an adverse affect on their profitability (I work for one of the largest publishing companies in the UK so have kind of a vested interest in DM failing )
I think this is going to be one of those debates that will go on till there are no more trees to make paper, some people prefer to use the books other PDF's and their ilk.