@Maelora: it took me a bit to track down the link, but your description of the Empire, and by extension The Emperor, as non-fantastical, soulless entities really struck a chord with me and I remembered reading how the original Star Wars novelization had the same description! It is here: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/01/weird-differences-between-the-first-star-wars-movie-and-its-preceding-novelization
And just on a storytelling note, I like that a lot better than the magical, mustache twirling bad guys of Return of the Jedi . It fits so much better with what the audience knows about the Empire from New Hope. Aside from kooky old Vader, the Empire is a passionless beuaracracy devoid of all human emotion. How are they defeated? By Luke turning off the machines, his targeting computer, and using his FEELINGS. The good guys have FEELINGS and they are passionate about what they are doing because it is the right thing to do. And that's much more in line with what I would expect a young Lucas in the 70s, not far out of college, not far past the Vietnam war protests, to view the dichotomy of good vs. evil.
It is only elsewhere are we fed a b.s. line that to be good, one must be passionless.
Edited by CStevenRoss