On Talents

By LuciusT, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

I can only assume everyone screaming "This is just Only War" has not yet taken a close look at the talents list. I'm not saying it's an improvement, but it definitely isn't a copy.

What do we think about Combat Formation and Combat Sense being combined into Constant Vigilance (which is a specialist talent so, still really two talents but just one name)

but made Tier 2 and given an additional prerequisite of Awareness +10?

How about combining Precise Blow and Sharpshooter into Precision Killer (which is a specialist talent again) but doing away with Deadeye Shot and Sure Strike?

Unarmed Specialist is better than Unarmed Master (because it gives a reroll on damage) but Unarmed Warrior is gone.

Air of Authority is now Halo of Command... and Tier 3!

Nerves of Steel is gone.

Some interesting new investigation and influence talents, like Clues from the Crowd, Contact Network and Coordinated Interrogation... but I'm not sure if some of them are worth it.

On the whole, I'm not sure about a lot of these. Many seem like change for the sake of change and I am a big believed in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I guess it is not a complete list of Talents.

Anyway, the "new" investigative talents are straight from the 1.0 Beta And without the talent trees the tightening of talents sounds reasonable for me (they would be just the same talent with a different name and slightly different effect anyway).