3 games this year...i'm so lucky!

By SolennelBern, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Played 3 games this year.

- First game was an 8-player one on a preset map. 7 newbs and 1 that already played three or four times. Lasted 8 hours! Everybody had read the rules prior to this game and we have lots of printed helps like teck trees, FAQ, etc. Was epic and awesomely fun!

- Second game was with 5 players on a preset map. 1 newb and 4 that already played once in the 8-player game. Lasted 5 hours. We were supposed to be 6 but one bailed out 30 minutes before the game. Was still a blast but i'm sure it would have been a lot better with 6. But we don't havethe will to say no to TI3.

- Third game with 5 players, same group as the other 5-player game and on a preset map again. Lasted 4.5 hours. Same good ol fun.

Hope to try this one with 6 players. I think it's the sweet spot of player count for the interaction, strategy cards rotation and overall length.

One of the best game in this genre.

Edited by SolennelBern

Awesome, if I get to play this game (my favorite game actually), once per year, I am pretty happy.

I've played two live games this year. My one friend who hosts us for games is trying to run a game every month.

I can get my Dad and Brother over here about 2-3 times a month.I beat them every time, but they are getting better. Would help if they bothered to read the rules. They are slowly catching on that TI is not strictly a war game. Can't wait to get a big game going, I am sure that the game dynamic changes drastically with more players.


2013 was a slow TI3 year for me with around regular 8 games and two play-by-forum games (which are still running).

However I didn't play a single game throughout all of 2012 and the first half of 2013 on account of having moved to another country, which is also why the majority of the 8 games I played last year were introduction games teaching new players the wonders of Twilight Imperium.