Update #1

By Tim Huckelbery, in Game Mechanics

Hi all, please discuss Update #1 (posted Dec 4) here and thanks!

( http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4526 )


BTW, the updates under Chapter III: Skills should of course be under Chapter IV: Talents and Traits. It will be corrected in the next update.

Edited by Tim Huckelbery

I haven't gone over this or the beta in any great detail since it's re-release, but one thing about this update struck me as odd (and yes Tim, it's another one of my "consistency of rules" qualms :P ):

Astartes Bolt Pistol is now 1d10+5.

My question is: Why? Why create another version of Astartes weaponry? For three games now (DW, BC and OW) it's been 1d10+9, so why the sudden change? Unless there's some major balance issue I'm unaware of this seems like a strange thing to change.


Edited by H.B.M.C.

Some initial reactions:

  • The Hive world starting ability is more useful now.
  • The Imperial Guard ability is MUCH more useful now :)
  • The Warrior ability is (thankfully) much less powerful that before. The power-gamers in my group started salivating uncontrollably as soon as they saw the first version of that ability, and I for one am happy that it was changed.
  • I realize that removing the Psyker aptitude from the Mystic was a good idea (since an AAT mystic, presumably the most common combination, would automatically get a free Aptitude to assign as they saw fit), but shouldn't they get a new aptitude to replace it? Knowledge, perhaps?
  • Thank you for the rules clarification to Force Weapons and the rarity fix on the Recoil Glove.
  • Shouldn't every class start with Linguistics (Low Gothic)? If this is stated in the rules already, the wording/placement should be made clearer.
  • Shouldn't every class start with Low-tech Weapon Training? Currently, Outcasts are capable of using chainswords but not swords, and Arbites characters cannot use truncheons but can use shock mauls! The Imperium is a violent place, and any potential Acolyte should at least be able to defend himself in melee.
  • Miscellaneous clarifications to initial skills and talents are always appreciated.

Some initial reactions:

  • The Hive world starting ability is more useful now.
  • The Imperial Guard ability is MUCH more useful now :)
  • The Warrior ability is (thankfully) much less powerful that before. The power-gamers in my group started salivating uncontrollably as soon as they saw the first version of that ability, and I for one am happy that it was changed.
  • I realize that removing the Psyker aptitude from the Mystic was a good idea (since an AAT mystic, presumably the most common combination, would automatically get a free Aptitude to assign as they saw fit), but shouldn't they get a new aptitude to replace it? Knowledge, perhaps?
  • Thank you for the rules clarification to Force Weapons and the rarity fix on the Recoil Glove.
  • Shouldn't every class start with Linguistics (Low Gothic)? If this is stated in the rules already, the wording/placement should be made clearer.
  • Shouldn't every class start with Low-tech Weapon Training? Currently, Outcasts are capable of using chainswords but not swords, and Arbites characters cannot use truncheons but can use shock mauls! The Imperium is a violent place, and any potential Acolyte should at least be able to defend himself in melee.
  • Miscellaneous clarifications to initial skills and talents are always appreciated.

I think it would be better to differ ranged from melee inside Low-Tech weapons (make it 2 talents).

Edited by GauntZero