Has anyone been able to construct and good decks using the four neutral themes?
I have constructed a deck of each though the new cards are not on Deckbox at the moment to publish.
Has anyone been able to construct and good decks using the four neutral themes?
I have constructed a deck of each though the new cards are not on Deckbox at the moment to publish.
I've constructed decks for all 4, though I'd say only 3 are "good" - and not great, perhaps. I have them built on deckbox, though since the HK cards aren't on there yet I have listed them under the "notes" section, at the bottom of the page:
Wood Elf: This one can be sometimes be a pain - drawing too many suppports - but (if you can hold out a few turns to build some stuff up) when it goes off, it goes off nice! I wrote a post "Woodelf Smackdown" on the main forum page about how my brother had "powered up" his Forest Dragon to deal 104 damage. Well, for revenge, I spent all my resources (In my Kingdom I had a 1 unit with 2 Talsmanic Tattos, Oak of ages, 1 contested Stronghold, 2 Armoury, 1 Wildwood grove, and a boatload of developments) to double the Forest Dragon's power over and over and over and... That Forest Dragon had my 3rd Talsmanic Tattoo attached to it. I also had 3 developments plus 3 units (which also counted as developments) in my battlefieldpower. I ended up getting to over 9,000 power (not a typo). It was totally not needed
but I wanted revenge for the previous night! Here's that deck:
I also have had good luck with my Undead deck. Here's that one:
Edited by sammann11Great, deckbox has updated for HK. Undead looks really cool.
I've been throwing Burial Mound into a deck that's shockingly close to that one. Though I am running a slightly heavier necromancy focus.
That is really similar - looks good! I assume that most Undead, WE, Lizard and Skaven decks are going to be running pretty similar just because of the lack of cards compared to the other 6 factions.