Alternative World Championship

By gertat, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Some of you know that I have tried to create a community, first in Sweden, and when wasn’t that
succeeded in the Nordic countries.
I have done this by spaming the forums with requests for a Nordic Championship.
Our small community is on Facebook and are now up to 19 st members from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Poland.

Has received 2 requests to join the Polish tournaments that I unfortunately had to turn down because my wife is ill with breast cancer.

Hopefully she's going to get better and then I get the opportunity to play Warhamer Invasion more.

Now that FFG has put down the production of new cards and it will not get more official World championships, I came up with an idea I'd like to try on you here on the forum.

What do you think about creating a championship worth the name?

The Baltic Battle.

When: autumn 2014

Where: Swinoujscie on the border between Germany and Poland

Should the tournament be held there it will be roughly the same distance for everyone to go.


Players from Denmark and Sweden can take the ferry Ystad-Swinoujscie (6 hours)

Players from Berlin 2 hours 52 minutes by car

Players from Warsaw 6 hours 34 minutes by car

Players from Krakov 7 hours 55 minutes by car

We book a conference room that we're in the tournament and pay for it with a registration fee.
Travel cost, each participant must providec for them self.

Price to position 1 and 2 is a diploma as a Capital Board where rassymbolen is replaced with a trophy and some fansy text

Someone who is good at desgin can take make the diploma type Gnomeschool.

What do you think of this the the idea?

I don't know if there are any players in Świnoujście, but there are many in cities like Wrocław for example.

Wrocław organised official European Championships and will probably do this again, this time as an unoffcial tournament.


I live in Warsaw, but I wanted to visit Sweden for a long time. So I will do my best to come!


Loooooool, sorry, I did not read it thoroughly. So you want to organize event in Poland? Świnoujście is not the best place then, because there is literally no WHI scene there. I was hoping to visit Sweden, ****!

Edited by wilk

For me, the best place on North Championships is Gdansk. Maybe Warsaw. And on World Championships, of course, Wrocław.

Virgo you now how many players there were i the European championship from other contries than Poland?

My line of thought was that al players regardless of nationallity should invest as much money, time and effort to get to the championship.

Then Swinoujsvieo were and good choice.

Ok its a huge factor that Poland have 50 times as much players than Sweden.

Checked what it cost to go by airplan from Malmo to Wroclaw and back to back = 500 euros

In germany we don't have much players in Berlin :) At European championships we were 6 players from germany, i think 2 italiens along with this and that was it for the foreign comunity.

It is a great idea, but i agree that it is better to organize it in a city with a high player number. If you can affort it visit Wroclaw for European Championship 2014, it's the biggest event in WHI!

Gertat it would be probably better for you to come for a tournament in Gdańsk in 2014, should be at least 40 people ;)

When is it?

I don't know, but there should be one next year, I will inform you when regional tournaments for 2014 will be known.

Great, there is a ferry from Karlskrona to Gdansk and my parents live in Karlskrona.

The ticket is much cheaper.

This might work

I'm smack dab in the middle of ths US, so I (obviously) won't be able to make it - but I am happy to see a comunnity organize and trying to make things happen! Bravo to you all!

Sammann, I know the Louisville meta will continue to hold events and we should have at least one big tournament next year.

How about we organize it in Calgary, Alberta, Canada guys? Who's with me! Buy your flights :D

Cparadis - I've thought of Louisville before as I know you guys have a good community out there. It's a solid 8 hours from my place, though. If/as soon as you guys get a date set for big tourney let me know. I was hoping to go to worlds next year, but now with that out maybe I'll just make Louisville the trip! I'm in STL, MO for work a lot - maybe I can sandwich in a trip to see you guys between work!

I see these posts from December and all of you were so excited about a championship. Would you guys really like to travel 3-6 or more hours, spend a whole day with it for play one day WHI, spend hundred bucks than go home and wait another year and repeat it in the next year?

Actually, I started a topic previously for alternative way of tourneys between long distance cities. This is the 21st century where is no distance in communication, or meet with new people. Probably all of you who play the game for a while now and knowing many people in your area or in your country are getting been familiar with those communities and players styles. Wouldn’t be good to test your skills and your decks against players who can be better than you but they are far distance from you?

I am relatively new in WHI (shame FFG closed that doors of production and support of the game when I am getting enjoy this and getting more interested about the game) but I believe that wouldn't be so difficult to create a virtual tournament online. I know it can sound weird at first hearing but I believe it can work. Not like log in BGG or OCTG or whatever but make it more real within conference calls with more cameras. We can dedicate game masters locally (like referee) who co-ordinate their local community during the game session and in the organizing phase.

Please respond. It's only 6 month gone from your last post but we can make it real this!

Edited by JudJackalTom


Sorry for the delayed response - was traveling for work, welcomed my 3rd kid to the world, took vacation...busy summer!

I am still totally down for some tournament play, is possible with me schedule. It's funny how you mentioned current technology as an answer for long distance play. I actually have no one here in the Kansas City area to play with. My brother lives in Seattle and we play over FaceTime, using deckbox (multiple tabs open in our browsers) to see what each other has in play. We use the real cards, or computers, and our phones/tablets. This seems to work pretty darn well! Message me if you're ever interested in playing this way. I travel a fair amount and have many-a-nights sitting in hotels - that's when we usually play.

Kaine82 and the Louisville gang - any interest out there in your crew dusting their cards off this winter for another annual tourney?

For the most part, you only need to see my 3 zones, correct? For what do you use deckbox?

I personally would like to try this at some point. I never bought the individual battle packs because I could never find anyone to play.

We use deckbox like so:

I get out my deck and capital board, then I also have a spare capital board and cards to mark where he may play his developments. We then tell each other which deck we're using so that we can open that decklist in our browser. You kind of have to be honest that you won't peruse the decklist of your opponent. From there, he'll tell me "I'm playing Keystone Forge (or whatever) in my Kingdom." I'll then click on Keystone Forge so that a new tab opens in my browser displaying that card. We just keep playing like this, arranging the tabs in our browser from left to right, representing Kingdom, Battlefield, Quest.

It's a bit funky to type, but it's pretty easy and intuitive actually.

This works better than trying to have a camera aimed at my board/cards. We tried that and it sucked. This is more user friendly in that I can look at my monitor and see what he has in play (not upside down) and easily read the card text.