In the Balance, Release Candidate
Part 1: Adventure Cards
J.C. Hendee, 4/03/2009
This is the final preview before official release. At this time, the make of the cards is set, though I'm still interested in any comments concerning wording, errors, and the newly included manual. (One further optional House Rule is still pending for the manual.)
Please place any noted feedback in this new topic and not the old topics for the Alpha or Beta releases. ONCE AGAIN... this release is for FFG forum members only. Please do not distribute the file or link elsewhere.
By next Sunday, all final edits will be completed, and I will seek places for the final package to be hosted and available to the fan community in general. Please contact me via PM in the forum or through if interested in hosting the package. Only those locations who host it free of any remuneration (including logins or other personal information) will be accepted.
NOTE: Next up in development will be Part 2: Purchase Cards. I don't anticipate these will take long, and as with Part 1: Adventure Cards, the total count and divisions of types will match the standard Purchase deck in most ways.
The file may be downloaded HERE (16.7 mb).