Had a quick convo with my potential play group this weekend and they all went over their characters and we somehow arrived at 85 SP. I suppose other characters generate SP as well?
We all agreed we wanted a Cruiser or something larger. It didn't feel right to "upgrade" to a better ship for us, and it looks like a fairly militant bunch.
We have one Arch-Militant/Chaplain that's paying for the Barracks to transport his faithful soldiers. The Navigator wants an Observation Dome, though it's unclear if that character chipped in any SP...
Other than that, the rest was left up to me. I myself was leaning towards an Orion to ambush and reave in the void, but alas, the rest of the crew wants plenty of ship combat.
We've all agreed that we want a Conquistador campaign. Chart new worlds, plot new warp routes, establish colonies, exploit the natives, and blow up anyone we don't like.
So... the Repulsive! 85 Ship Points! It'll take 6 SP just to give this thing 6 macrobatteries. Suggestions would be welcome.
EDIT: Also, Warrant includes 1 Archeotech component that has to be paid for in SP. Plus those from any background stuff.
Edited by Marwynn