Not to slight anyone who posts about advice as to which expansion to get next. The reason we see it asked so often is because it's a really important one. For myself, I know what order I'll be getting my remaining FFG expansions in; I've read all the threads, got the word on the street.
I would like to know which fan made expansion I should get next. I have all the links (I think). In a flurry of downloading, I probably already have the ones you'll mention, so links posted will be for the benefit of newcomers to that content.
But the problem is, having read all the reviews, I guess i still have some questions. Well, one. Of the fan made big box expansions, is there one that doesn't ramp up the difficulty too much? Problematic, as the reason for making one is because you're too familiar with the FFG content, or that it's become too easy. I guess I'm also hoping for one that's considered "finished" by the creator, and doesn't warrant updating or tweaking.
The only stuff I've incorporated into the game so far have been individual AOs, Heralds and Investigators.
I almost put this in the main board for sheer visibility, but thought this was a better place for it.
Thanks to all the folks who create custom content for Arkham Horror. You all blow me away.