Hi all, first post
I've recently decided to run a campaign for some friends of mine and am at a very early planning stage (I'm basically throwing lots of ideas at paper and will re-evaluate and revise them later).
My question pertains to gravity and how it, and its effects are mitigated in the 40k universe.
Is it explained anywhere how ships generate gravity for their crews? Especially given that it is generated to take effect vertically like on earth rather than a horizontal axis along the line of the ships acceleration. If so does the explanation go into detail? How do ships mitigate the g-forces generated by the acceleration? If a ship is constantly accelerating at 5g, how are the crew not affected?
I'm thinking it could be fun to have my PCs have to suffer through high gravity situations while performing evasive manoeuvres or hard burns of the plasma drives etc.
If there are good explanations of how this technology works in universe, if someone is able to link it I would appreciate it =) If not I guess it's a suspension of disbelief