[A Feast For Crows] Missing port for Arryn?

By Hellbrecht, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

We just played a game with the AFFC expansion and while we loved it, I was left frustrated by the Arryn faction who seems to be missing a port. If, and now that we have spotted it, when Arryn loses the Narrow Sea they have no way to build ships and thus are severely hamstrung for the rest of the game. Obviously I could be missing something but I think that for game balance Arryn needs a port in the Eyrie or in the Fingers. I was thinking of house ruling it and making a port token to represent an Arryn port.

Anyone else agree?


I believe Arryn homeland is considered to include a port, however it is not on the map as the base game was launched long time before, with no reeason to have a port there in the original set up.

You do not need to have a port to muster ships. Ships are mustered from any castle/stronghold that is connected to a sea aera. Ships can then either be launched into:
- a port you own,
- an empty sea,
- a sea you have ships in.

This is all in the rule book. It needs several readings and test practice to get all the aspects including special rules that are not always stated from game cards such as "game of thrones" (cf. Trade with the free cities, p.25) etc.

Thanks Greenben I found some discussion on this subject on Boardgamegeek ( see http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/140261/a-game-of-thrones-the-board-game-second-edition- ). Really my issue is that because there is only 1 sea area available to Arryn it is likely that either Baratheon or Stark can seize control of the narrow sea and prevent Arryn from mustering ships. A port would allow them to build a fleet to break out.

Our group will be giving Arryn a port and a stronghold in The Eyrie to solve this issue.