tl;wr- Not everything needs to be balanced, and we need to RP more than we rely on rules to enable our PCs.
I've spent a lot of time reading posts about balance- balanced weapons, armour, starting gear, starting Skills and Talents, Characteristics, and other subjects- and it got me thinking about "the old days."
My first exposure to RPGs was AD&D. My Characters each were a set of 6 attributes, a few hit points, some starting equipment I purchased with a bit of gold, and a lot of RP ideas- personality, belief systems, loyalties, grudges, superstitions, and etc. In the days before Dragonlance introduced attribute checks, determining what your Character could accomplish was a RP opportunity, not an opportunity to rely on what the rules determined was possible for your PCs. Sure, Strength allowed you to lift gates and bend bars, and Dexterity allowed a Thief to move silently or climb walls, but as our gaming group evolved so too did our RP skills. The Fighter never attempted to climb a wall unless he was using rope and a grappling hook. The Magic User never tried to lift a fallen gate unless he could do it with Telekinesis. Fighters had access to all the armour and weapons, Thieves had access to a bit less, and Magic users much less than that. Anything any PC was denied access to was an opportunity to "act out" (role play) our participation.
There were (it seemed at the time) both good reasons and arbitrary reasons for the way certain Character types were allowed to interact with the mechanics of the game. But we rarely looked to the rules for guidance. We relied more on our RP skills, our personal social abilities, and our imaginations.
I think as RPGs progressed into the rules-bloated tomes they have become it became more and more about how the rules enable a PC rather than about actual RP, and I am now kind of saddened by this revelation.
I understand completely that every Player wants to have a PC that can accomplish things, that Players do not want to feel "left out" of the gaming experience in the groups. I have "old school" gamers in my group that have played Adepts because they are the "organizer" of the gaming group, knowing full well the Adept's combat ability and access to combat-related Skills and Talents was limited, knowing he was going to be the Magic User standing at the back of the group during a combat encounter because to do otherwise meant he was of little help, possibly more a liability than any help. Knowing they rely on others to be the "glory hounds" and shine in exciting combat, while they get to shine in not-so-exciting information gathering and forgery. Or is it not exciting? That is what the GM is for, making the game enjoyable for everyone. Perhaps we GMs have let our RP skills slip into disuse as well?
Players played cooperatively, each one's PC filling a need within the group, each player acutely aware of the responsibility of his/her PC, and reliant upon other Players to know the same and RP accordingly. I'm not saying it doesn't happen now, I'm just saying I think when it does happen that RP is rules-enabled rather than pure imaginative spark.
But I think again back to those "old days" of gaming- all of us around the table knew the Magic User's dagger was a "last ditch" weapon, that his unarmoured body was something we had to protect if we wanted to one day (eventually) see roaring balls of fire frying our opponents.
I know 40K RPGs are not the AD&D of yore. But I honestly believe in this quest for balance we have lost much more in RP value. Our RP skills have atrophied over the decades as rules allowed us to do what was once the sole purview of our imaginations.
Do starting PC really need to be balanced? I'm referring here to Nimsim's posts detailing the inequity of XP in starting Skills and Talents. Does an Adept really need to start with any Weapon Talents? Obviously the game needs to have balanced mechanics- guns and armour that scale correctly, Psychic Powers that make sense rather than being re-skinned clones of Power X detailed three pages prior- but I just don't think PCs need to be balanced from the beginning. I also think some Skills and Talents should simply be unattainable by certain PCs, whether that is because of their history or role, or any other reason, because it is these limits that make a PC just as interesting as its accesses. Crap; are all PCs meant to be special, win or lose, and all of them deserve a trophy just for showing up? No.
From the ground up, one at a time, all CharGen needs a complete redo, and each PC type needs to be built with consideration toward what he/she is meant to be doing and not always with consideration to what he/she can do just like other PCs with extra XP tacked on.
Edited by Brother Orpheo