Sounds good so far...

By Chernobyl2, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

...but I can't help wishing that the 40K system could have been adopted to a new edition of warhammer fantasy roleplay, rather than the dice mechanic as implemented by FFG.
The fact that the 40K game continues to be published, this 2nd edition is being worked on, and the 40K ruleset appears mostly intact (evolution rather than revolution) shows me there is still faith in the D100/career system at the root of warhammer roleplay. So maybe we'll get a WFRP "2.5" someday...


I'd really hope so. WFRP 2e has it's share of issues (mostly smoothed out in 40k games over the years), but I'll have my Warhammer Fantasy with a percentile system over pictograph dice pools any time.

Meanwhile I'd love those pictograph dice pools in Dark Heresy.

It follows that the 40k game is as proportionally popular as the game its based on. Most of GW's revenue comes from 40k (world-wide, at least), not Fantasy, so it makes sense that they would focus on it. Note, this does not mean one is qualitatively better than another, just that it is quite possible one makes much more money. Long story short, don't get your hopes up too much.