No love for the snipers

By GauntZero, in Game Mechanics

As I see the sniper rifle is back to its old boring status with no higher chance on RF.

I liked the xd10 solution to make their RF more likely - also their accurate bonus damage could be enabled to trigger RF; but in its current state it does not feel very flavourful :(

Also there is still no rule for sneak attacks - I would love a rule that give one Vengeful (8) when attacking a surprised target in the back (or improve existing Vengeful by 2 steps).

also their accurate bonus damage could be enabled to trigger RF; but in its current state it does not feel very flavourful :(

The extra dice not causing RF is just silly, ignore it. :)

Perception characteristic could use a little lovin', granting perception bonus damage on aimed shots could be a nice idea. Given that all attack types are half action, it could be restricted to single shot/hit attacks only.

Edited by Alox

Perception characteristic could use a little lovin', granting perception bonus damage on aimed shots could be a nice idea. Given that all attack types are half action, it could be restricted to single shot/hit attacks only.

There's a talent very much like that in OW: Hammer of the Emperor.

I kind of liked the first beta's use of characteristic bonuses in weapon stats. A sniper with Perception Bonus worth of penetration made it really beefy. How did this change actually play in practice?

Yeah, I really liked how different weapons used different characteristics for damage calculation. Makes for different choices for different specialisations.

Also the Overcharge was used in that way for different weapons (like Int for Plasma) - was very interesting.

hang on, is the +30 to hit an unaware target not a bonus enough? With the accurate quality sniper rifles are lethal, quit yer bitchin :P

Still would like to get Called SHots buffed by optional effects with a certain amount of DoS