Make AAT a homeworld?

By Adeptus Ineptus, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Given how long it takes between put on black ship and given your might not feed us all to the warp when you sneeze is it worth counting AAT as a homeworld?


  • Lets any background have Santioning.


  • Still leves AAT as the psyker only option.
  • Can not represent the full range of careers related to dealing with psykers; witch finders, black ship guards, etc.

I'll add more to the list as we come up with them.

Edited by Adeptus Ineptus

Eh, I like it as a background. If it's a psyker only option it's rather boring, I prefer it as something which can represent a range of careers related to dealing with psykers; witch finders, black ship guards, etc.

Sanctioning should be entirely separate from origin path, in my opinion.

Added to the list.

I thought the role of mystic is the one that gives you psyker abilities? AAT does not give out psyker abilities at all.

AAT is the only way to be a SANCTIONED Psyker.

There's the choice to pay xp to make anyone a psyker hence the debate.

AAT is the only way to be a SANCTIONED Psyker.

So what? It fits the fluff. You have to make that journey and once you get there you have to go through brutal testing that kills more people than it helps. If you fail your soul gets absorbed by the emperor and if you succeed you move out as a Astropath, a battle psyker, or a psyker working for the emperor. These are incredible influence over your life and have the most impact.

I've just house-ruled that psykers from other backgrounds may purchase Sanctioned during character creation (at the GMs discretion).

AAT is the only way to be a SANCTIONED Psyker.

So what? It fits the fluff. You have to make that journey and once you get there you have to go through brutal testing that kills more people than it helps. If you fail your soul gets absorbed by the emperor and if you succeed you move out as a Astropath, a battle psyker, or a psyker working for the emperor. These are incredible influence over your life and have the most impact.

That's what we agree on, the debate is how does a a player make a battle psyker from the guard get made if the player needs to pick between the AAT and guard backgrounds. Also the AAT background has nothing for non mystics, FFG will end up fixing this I'm sure.

What I'm asking in this thread is should AAT be represented as a background or a home world?

AAT is the only way to be a SANCTIONED Psyker.

So what? It fits the fluff. You have to make that journey and once you get there you have to go through brutal testing that kills more people than it helps. If you fail your soul gets absorbed by the emperor and if you succeed you move out as a Astropath, a battle psyker, or a psyker working for the emperor. These are incredible influence over your life and have the most impact.

That's what we agree on, the debate is how does a a player make a battle psyker from the guard get made if the player needs to pick between the AAT and guard backgrounds. Also the AAT background has nothing for non mystics, FFG will end up fixing this I'm sure.

What I'm asking in this thread is should AAT be represented as a background or a home world?

AAT + Warrior role + Psyker elite advance, I suppose.

Sorry I meant that as an example. In the event that a Mystic got sanctioned then moved on to serve in another background for most of his life how should the game represent this?

No your not understanding this. Background (AAT) determines your sanctioned, but it gives off resistants to psyker powers. None psykers will find that useful if they get attack by a witch as they are better off to resist that than most other people. Only the mystic role gives off psyker elite advance for free.

So the background has things that are very useful for none psykers and the role is pretty much designed to be both witch and sanctioned psykers. I guess if you want imperial guard psyker that isn't a witch you can spend some of that 500 starting xp to get the elite advance.

Though if you want my personal opinion on it. No background and no role should just give you psyker. Instead if you want to be pysker you have to prove you got a Willpower of 35, or more. Then you can purchase the elite advance. I would make the mystic to be more of a weird wise sage type that is knowledgable about the stranger things in the setting. A priest that focus too much on faith powers. A feral world shamen that knows secrets of the warp and the planet wild life. A noble who is part of a cult of assassins. You get what I am saying?

I'm reasonably happy with things as they are.

A Sanctioned Psyker attached to the Guard isn't really a Guardsman whose a Psyker; he's a Psyker who happens to be attached to the Guard right now.

He wouldn't have the training to shoot a lasgun, fight in ranks, advance as a unit, carry a heavy backpack across a muddy hellhole; all the stuff the Guard background implies. He is far more likely to be equipped like a Adeptus Astra Telepathica character than a Guard character.

I think AAT/Mystic who just buys Common Lore (Imperial Guard) and/or Peer (Imperial Guard) is a fine representation of a formerly Guard-attached Sanctioned Psyker. Possibly even a better one that an IG/Mystic would be even if the latter character was able to buy Sanctioning.

I'm going to call this a win for the no vote. Thanks eveyone.

I think the obvious answer here to to make every psyker sanctioned and if one wants to be "Unsanctioned", they would have to buy the advance. The only problem is that there is NO WAY an unsanctioned psyker would be in any service to the emperor except for may Radical Inquisitors.

I've just house-ruled that psykers from other backgrounds may purchase Sanctioned during character creation (at the GMs discretion).

This. Make Sanctioned an elite advance that AAT get automatically and for free.

I think the obvious answer here to to make every psyker sanctioned and if one wants to be "Unsanctioned", they would have to buy the advance. The only problem is that there is NO WAY an unsanctioned psyker would be in any service to the emperor except for may Radical Inquisitors.

"Sorry, Bob, unsanctioned psykers are more interesting characters, therefore you have to pay an XP tax in order to play one. They're not more powerful - less so, in fact, and they take corruption at the start of the game. Why? Because that's the way 40k works, Bob."

Come on. Really? Who gives a **** if someone wants to play an unsanctioned psyker. Let them, and don't punish them. Radical/Puritan does not exist as a game mechanic and should not limit character creation options.

Sorry I meant that as an example. In the event that a Mystic got sanctioned then moved on to serve in another background for most of his life how should the game represent this?

With a suitable backstory and Peer (Imperial Guard).

I don't think unsanctioned get corruption any more. I believe the new beta dropped that. Though on the same token unsanctioned if they really want to push it can pull off some powerful effects at the risk of their lives.

You're wrong, they start with 1d5+10 if they are not Sanctioned. Sanctioned Psykers also start at Psy Rating 2, over 1 for non-AAT psykers, though, and that's 400XP right there. So there's that mechanical incentive for not being a rogue psyker. Do we need more or is that enough?

I must not had seen that. Still they should be taken out because it is actually dumb to have those negative stats considering these are starting characters. What should be the difference between sanctioned and unsanctioned psykers is this. The former is weaker in psyker power, but is safer. The later is stronger, but is at greater risk.

I must not had seen that. Still they should be taken out because it is actually dumb to have those negative stats considering these are starting characters. What should be the difference between sanctioned and unsanctioned psykers is this. The former is weaker in psyker power, but is safer. The later is stronger, but is at greater risk.

You've got it backwards. Unsactioned psykers are psy rating 1, Sanctioned get psy rating 2. That's 400XP right there.

No let me explain. I believe unsanctioned should not start out with corruption because they are just as new as the sanctioned psyker. They should also start out at psy rating 2 just like the sanctioned psyker.

I was also talking about the fettered, unfettered, and pushing rules. Sanctioned psykers can only push up to +3 in psy rating, but only suffer +5 per push. Unsanctioned psykers can push up to +5 in psy rating, but suffer a +10 per push. That is what makes unsanctioned psykers different from sanctioned psykers. You have more power, but your also more dangerous. Your even a danger to yourself if you keep pushing your luck.

Edited by Snowman0147

I mentioned it in another thread just now, but I'd suggest you cut out sanctioning and the psyker trait from all chaarcter creation options and make it elite advance only. 300xp to be a sanctioned psyker and 200xp (maybe even 100?) to be non-sanctioned. Rework the mystic role and suddenly you've freed up equal choice for sanctioned and non, and opened up a lot more choice for sanctioned psykers.

Which is something I mentioned eariler in this tread as well Nimsim.

+1 to that, then, although I don't think there needs to be a willpower limit. Who will want to play a psyker with less then 35 willpower to begin with? It's not like playing one with 34 willpower is going to break the game. Also, death to randomly rolled ability scores; just use the point buy.