List of the 2e spells for the Lore of Light
If your player is looking for new spells, they can easily be created from this summary list (with brief blurb) culled from Realms of Sorcery 2e. The 3e spell list will be added later.
Lore of Light (2e list)
- Banish - banish daemon
- Blinding Light - explosion of light; blinds or suffer dazzling brightness
- Boon of Hysh - All damage and maladies healed
- Clarity - reduce penalties on person touched
- Cleansing Glow - purify food/water or item
- Daemonbane - banish group of daemons
- Dazzling Brightness - dazzle those in affected area
- Eyes of Truth - unveils all illusions, darkness, disguises, etc.
- Healing of Hysh - heal some wounds
- Ill-bane - aid subject suffering from disease or posion
- Illuminate the Edifice - Illuminate an area fully
- Inspiration - grant bonus to knowledge
- Light of Purity - subjects in area of light are immune to disease as long as the fire burns
- Light's Demand - Chaos natives are unable to move while under this effect
- Pillar of Radiance - targets in area suffer damage and suffer dazzling brightness effect
- The Power of Truth - speaking honestly grants bonus to charm
- Radiant Sentinel - floating ball of light can parry an extra melee attack
- Radiant Gaze - your gaze causes 6 damage
- Radiatn weapon - make a weapon magical with extra bonus vs. daemons
- Shimmerinng Cloak - bonus vs. ranged attacks and reduces damage