RtL: Starting 15 XP

By StarBurn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm sure I read this about a thousand times...and seen people argue about it even more...but since I'm gonna start a campaing today, I'm gonna ask to be sure. What can you spend the starting 15 OL XP on ?!

Q: Exactly what cards and upgrades can the overlord spend his initial 15 XP on? Can he purchase lieutenants?
A: Avatar upgrade cards only. No lieutenants.

So general and Avatar specific upgrades and treachery, but no Lts and no Plot advances.

Are you certain about the Treachery? The FAQ answer says "cards" which Treachery definitely is not...

Personally, I say no on the Treachery. Look in the rules, Avatar upgrades and Treachery upgrades are listed as different catagories.

I would say you may only purchase non-lieutenant avatar upgrade cards.

Yeah, I was mistaken on the treachery.