Wanna start playing, what do I "need"?

By mr.thomasschmidt, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game


I have finally found someone who wanna play this game so I thought to invest some money in it. I can see it has just been declared "dead" in the sense that nothing more will be developed for it.

This won't be something to play hard core, or in tournament, just casual without too much deck building (well, maybe just a little) :)

So, I thought about maybe just buying all the delux packs and of cause the core. Would that make a satisfactory card pool? Or do I seriously need all the battle packs too? I'm not gonna buy 3 x core or 3 x of each battle pack in the first cycle. I guess I could invest in everything, but what is enough to enjoy this game for casual play and still having some good options for variation?

Thanks. I think that helped a lot :) do you know per chance where to get the ruling for a good solitaire variant? I think I once heard or saw something on YouTube about a solo variant but can't find any info about it anymore. Someone else knowing anything about that?