All things come to an end and its sad to see a game I hoped would begin to pick up with the release of the neutral box bite the dust.
FFG appear to have run out of steam with what they feel they can do with it given their boast of the number of Deluxe sets and Chapter Packs. However that said what does this mean for Game Of Thrones and Cthulhu?
Its almost certain that CoC will get a multiplayer expansion. Will this sound the death knell of the game in 2014?
Game of Thrones is now the old man of LCG's, this year has seen scant production of 'new' ideas (no new deluxe box since Lions), is the only thing that will keep FFG's interest in the game the prospect on capitalising on the TV Series? Will the game suffer from this? The Draft Packs are just a trivial distraction at best.
Of course the removal of one title that is not performing well leaves space for another that might do better (Jyhad perhaps). Time will tell.