So long Warhammer Invasion

By FatbastUK, in Warhammer Invasion Community

All things come to an end and its sad to see a game I hoped would begin to pick up with the release of the neutral box bite the dust.

FFG appear to have run out of steam with what they feel they can do with it given their boast of the number of Deluxe sets and Chapter Packs. However that said what does this mean for Game Of Thrones and Cthulhu?

Its almost certain that CoC will get a multiplayer expansion. Will this sound the death knell of the game in 2014?

Game of Thrones is now the old man of LCG's, this year has seen scant production of 'new' ideas (no new deluxe box since Lions), is the only thing that will keep FFG's interest in the game the prospect on capitalising on the TV Series? Will the game suffer from this? The Draft Packs are just a trivial distraction at best.

Of course the removal of one title that is not performing well leaves space for another that might do better (Jyhad perhaps). Time will tell.

I am also sad that the game is ending (at least for new content, they say they are continuing to make current lines). It is a cool, fun game.

I believe the "hotness" of the AGOT licence, and its (I perceive) strong sales and growing player base will ensure its long term survival. At the end of the day WH:IN sales where whatever, AGOT sales where whatever +XX%. FFG are a business, better to put resources into something that's firing, rather than something that maybe looks like its getting a little left behind vs other LCGs.

I sincerely hope that COC remains on their roster. Of all the LCGs I truly believe this is the best one, both mechanically and thematically. Having the core set out of print currently is a kick in the belly button new player recruiting wise, however when it does return hopefully the return will be triumphant. I think the thing in COC favour production wise is that I heard that it uses open licence (don't quote me on that, just what I heard!) which means there is probably no licencing fees for the IP. I cannot stress enough I cannot back that statement up, just what I have heard and read around the place.

Anyway, I will still play WH:IN, there must be a bunch of other decks out there for me to try!



Yup, all things Lovecraft are open season for licensing thanks to copyright from the 1930's not being what it is today. It could be suggested that part of the success of the H.P.L brand has been because fans both amateur and professional can add to the mythos however they please without the fear of an army of laweyers appearing out of the woodwork.

I gatta ask they said after the 2013 season 3 OP kit there will be no more op kits for wh:i. Are they going to discontinue events at gencon and worlds?!?! Say it aint so!!?

There will be no official events for the game anymore.

Does anyone have a link for any announcement or other such source for this? Been hearing/reading about it, but not sure where it started.

Thanks for that.

That blows! They should still do a event at worlds evry year. I understand they said there not making new cards for this game anymore. But worlds!? Cmon! Winner creates one card ffg prints 30,000 of that one card and puts a play set into 10,000 issues of white dwarf mag. Once a year.

Tremendously disappointed with discontinuing such a good card game.

Who makes these decisions?

What does this say about the corporate relationship between Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop?

I'd say it says nothing about their relationship, because we don't know why development has ceased. Their relationship could be great or terrible, we just don't know.

Considering Warhammer Diskwars is on the way and so are new versions of the 40K RPGs, the corporate relationship is fine. Warhammer Invasions sales were just not there to continue the game. Matter of cold hard numbers.

Edited by Toqtamish

Matter of cold hard numbers.

Which we don't know...

Diskwars is a finished product and has been for a while. Licenses may be separate for wfb and w40k.

I get it the sales were not there. My local retailer said the same thing. If ffg wants to put there brainpower into other projects i can understand that too. But to cancel a great games future big events (gen con , worlds) forever? I guess what im trying to say is i dont see how making one card a year -via the winner of worlds would tie up alot of resourses.