You all who complained about the first version of the Second Edition rules are pathetic cry babies who threw a fit when exposed to something new. By the Emperor, none of you could really be creative or smart enough to understand the flexibility the first version gave to players and GMs?
You all needed a reprint of Only War rather then a setting that allowed GMs and players to uses skills as the situation fit (changing characteristics and the ability to rely on broader situation) and instead need to be hand-held into the narrow type of skills? This new version is worse then the old one, but hey, you all bitched for it and the real role players in this world have to see your sad little crap reprinted cause you all have to ***** and whine, "OH... we need Only War...wan...wan"
Gods, I would hate to play with any of you. You're all the same players who properly think the Dark Eldars make great characters cause they're Dark Eldar and you're all awful power gamers. Never does it cross your small minds that they create awful group dynamics, but hey, if you all thought you wouldn't have forced FFG to give you the same crap back.
When I though a game was going to be open-ended setting within the Imperium of Mankind, the community (you all) came along a ruined it.
FFG had to do this. Give the same old thing to you all, hand-hold and walk you all into the way you have to play. They have to make sales, and shut you all the hell up. So you all would throw money at the same old crap without thinking on your own.
None of you who complained the first time could use your imagination. Dam, turn on a video game and get the hell out of role playing. You can't think, nor do I bet ANY of you are a half-way decent story tellers. So just go back to your computers games where you get the same old crap (OMG God of War 13! Grand Theft Auto Whatever: THE SAME DAME THING AGAIN! Oh, got to buy that!) You all are ruining it.