Threat TokensQuestion

By brthrdom, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Are the Overlords limited to counter mix with the Threat Tokens? I have been maxing out on them latelt.

You're...running out of threat tokens? Meaning you're getting into the ballpark of 70 threat at one time? That's kind of impressive, though spending some would probably be a good idea. What quests/dungeons are you playing?

Many things in Descent are specifically limited by the components that come with the game (monsters, potions, dice, etc.). I don't think there's any specific limit for threat, though. Whether you want to assume that it's unlimited because they failed to specify otherwise, or that it's limited because everything else in the game seems to be, is really up to your playing group.

We actually had that happen playing RtL in a dungeon. He had a several Dark Priest out yet and was just converting surges like mad. Once we got rid of those, we had all the spawning areas covered so there was really nothing he could do except gather threat since he had gone through most of the trap cards in the deck already. He had pretty much all the threat available headed into the third level and we got mauled.

You're...running out of threat tokens? Meaning you're getting into the ballpark of 70 threat at one time? That's kind of impressive, though spending some would probably be a good idea. What quests/dungeons are you playing?

Many things in Descent are specifically limited by the components that come with the game (monsters, potions, dice, etc.). I don't think there's any specific limit for threat, though. Whether you want to assume that it's unlimited because they failed to specify otherwise, or that it's limited because everything else in the game seems to be, is really up to your playing group.

Actually i am playing RtL with the Sorcerer King so I start a dungeon with 10 threat off the bat, so It's not that tough.

I don't think I've ever had more than about 30 threat at one time, but I haven't played RtL.

I do play RTL and I don't have more than around 30 at one time either. I am really confussed by you having that much threat and not having anything to spend it on. Not saying it isn't possible but still.

I find that playing with the Sorcerer King, I typically have 40-50 Threat by the end of the second level of any dungeon. My players tend to block spawning, so even though I can run through threat like water, I still end-up stuck just playing the odd trap. If I have Evil Genius out, it's even worse, and if we add Dark Priests in sufficient numbers, it's crushing.

My party are about to enter the final level on Caverns of Thuul next time. I have 49 threat, a handfull of Spawns, a full deack (just cycled), and Evil Genius out. This should be fun :D