Some folks may remember my first experiment with my old favorite rogue psyker Lilly Ryan... here she is again.
Lilly Ryan
Hive World, Outcast, Mystic
WS 40, BS 30, S 30, T 30, Ag 40, Int 35, Per 40, WP 45, Fel 40, Inf 30
Skills: Acrobatics, Charm, Deceive, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Warp), Psyniscience, Stealth
Talents: Paranoia, Weapon Training (Chain, SP)
Special Abilities: Teaming Masses in Metal Mountains, Never Quit, Rogue Psyker
Aptitudes: Perception, Social, Defense, Psyker, Intelligence, Willpower, Fellowship, Toughness
Psychic Powers (Psy Rating 1): Influence
Wounds 11, Corruption Points: 13
Couple of things I noticed...
First, she has no Linguistics skill. I only skimmed the text, but I couldn't see anywhere where anyone starts with a Linguistics skill.
Second, Mystics gain the Psyker aptitude twice.. once from the Role and once from the Psyker Elite Advance, which functionally means they automatically gain a free Characteristic Aptitude. I'm hoping that will be corrected in the first round of rules updates.
Third, Lilly can use a Chainsword but she can't use a Knife (because she doesn't have Weapon Training Low Tech). That seems very wrong to me.
Finally, Acolytes seem to start as highly competent idiot savants... very good Characteristics but very few skills. At first blush, starting characters seem to start with very few skills and even fewer talents, especially when compared to their Only War counterparts (perhaps an unfair comparison but I'm going with it anyway). With the Aptitude system working the way it does, 500 exp does not go very far at all.
Those are just my first glance impressions of the character creation system... as things go, it seems to have retained the strengths and weaknesses of the original Beta character creation system but I'm not entirely convinced how well the starting skills, talents and starting advancement functionally meshes with the Aptitude system.