So we just finished our first game of RB 2nd edition. Here are a few questions that came up while we played:
1. Can you move through a town without stopping? I know the rules say towns are "wild cards" and any die can be used to move into them. But we weren't sure if you had to stay in town on the turn that you enter it.
2. On the Lightning Mace card, it says "Your Hero receives a +4 bonus to his melee combat rolls". The only time that bonus is applied is when you roll the dice to determine if you hit/defend in the melee combat phase, correct?
3. We assumed that Before Combat is not considered part of the combat round, is that correct? It seems to be a one-time thing before the real combat starts, and then the rounds cycle through the 3 phases.
4. On the card "The Sky Full of Wasps", part of the reward says "Give this card to another player during his movement step to change one of his movement dice to a side of your choosing. Any player who receives this card can use it on another player's movement step as described above." To us this meant the card kept bouncing between the two of us for the rest of the game. Is that correct?
5. Is it possible to get "stuck" at the end of the game and not be able to finish it? We were at a point where all of the adventure counters except the reds were gone. We weren't sure if we would be able to handle the dragonlords yet. Fortunately, our first red card was the red event card which replenished the starburst adventure counters which allowed us to keep adventuring to gain more Xp, gold, allies, etc. After a while we were then able to handle the dragonlords and we finished the game. So if we wouldn't have drawn that red event card and had been knocked out by a dragonlord instead, we would have lost an item/ally, making it even harder to attempt the next dragonlord, which would cause a downward spiral into us having nothing and the game ending. Is that a possible ending?
Sorry if any of these have been answered elsewhere in the forums and I just couldn't find them. And thanks in advance for any answers.