I've been working for some time on a unified RPG for the 40k universe, stealing aspects I liked from each of the core FFG systems and hammering them together into something similar, but a little stranger. The idea was to be able to give players a certain amount of XP and they could make practically anything in the worldframe they wanted, with some vestige of balance thrown in for good measure.
I've been playtesting this with my group for a while, with Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Astartes characters all making appearances, and I'm now looking for outside opinions. Right now it's still a little rough and ready, but I feel it's complete enough to get a general feel for the concepts involved. Many of you will note that some of your favourite chapters are missing from the Astartes rules - so far I've only knocked together the chapters that are present in my campaigns. I'll be fixing this soon and I'll post an update - I just need a break for a week or so!
If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for your time!