Another deck attempt

By zreef, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Ah, NBN. I feel a bit more qualified here...

You might have trouble protecting that Melange due to your overall lack of End the Run ICE. Also, its low trash makes it vulnerable from R&D Either run more or none would be my advice (I tend towards none).

PADs and Marked accounts can be really good to you; just remember that the cash injection is slow. The high trash cost is nice though (except against Whizzard or Imps). I like Private Contracts for the same reason (and you get to dictate the rate of return, which is nice).

DRT is another one I'd probable NOT run as a one-off. It's expensive enough in influence that I would personally prefer to run at least two to have a chance of seeing it regularly (or don't run any).

You also have relatively few ways to punish tags (which is partly due to a lack of options in game; this is something I'm hoping they explore more in the design team) but still; Freelancer can be really solid (and a good punch in the face right after Account Siphon); Closed Accounts you already have (which is one of my absolute favourite cards ever) and Private Security Force is also excellent once scored. Midseason is awesome if combined with Psychographics, allowing you to advance Agendas like lightning (or over-advance Project Beale), but it's an expensive combo. Again, as a one-off I'm not sure it's so good.

Matrix Analyser is... ok. It's a cheap tag when it lands, but you already have plenty of other ways to tag. The 'advance on encounter' is nice and everything, but not that useful in this deck (remember you can't score an Agenda on the Runner's turn, which is a very common mistake people make when they first see this card - including me).

You may also want to pad out to 49 cards, or trim down to 45. Neither of these are particularly necessary, but consider that more cards = less chance of the runner sniping agendas out of R&D and less cards = more chance you'll see the cards you REALLY want to see as you draw through your deck at high speed with Jackson Howard ;)

Edited by CommissarFeesh

Thanks for your comments, I will fiddle around with the deck some more and post another iteration.

Something that a better player than me once said--"your deck is trying to do two different things."

There's 3 routes an NBN deck can go:
Tag & Bag
Tag Punishment
Fast Advance

Tag & Bag is much like Weyland, only using NBN's plethora of tags & traces to land the win condition rather than Weyland's strategy to build up money for a SEA Source/Double Scorch combo.

Tag Punishment runs 1x Scorch to keep the runner honest, but focuses more on trashing resources, closing accounts, and loading them down with enough tags so that they just accept the fact that they will never get rid of them.

Fast Advance is more what I'm seeing here, but it's a bad Fast Advance deck. I see only 1 SanSan, only 2 Astroscript, and only 2 Scorch, and I think, "wait, are we playing with only one Core Set?" If really really need a second core set for any NBN deck, almost. To run Fast Advance you want a minimum of 2 SanSan City Grids, and Astroscript x3 is darn near mandatory for any NBN deck, it is arguably the best agenda in the game. If you're not able to do that, put this concept back on the shelf and come back to it later.

If you keep tinkering with it, I recommend you decide what your win condition is, and build toward that.

I actually disagree, to a point. Punishment shouldn't be a tactic by itself; rather it should help you achieve your primary win condition (Agendas or Flatline). I run FA with supplemental tag punishment and no Scorch, and so far it's doing really well. The 2nd Core really does make the deck sing though, I'll agree there.

Yes, quite. The point of tag punishment, to trash the runner's resources, drain his accounts, and otherwise wreck his plans is to create windows in which the corp is not under pressure and the runner can't afford to get through costly ice. Usually Tag Punishment is in service of an Agenda Win, otherwise you're just playing tag & bag.

Tag punishment can also be used to set up T&B though; even if all you're doing is slowing the runner down until you can get the kill-shot in hand.

Tag punishment can also be used to set up T&B though; even if all you're doing is slowing the runner down until you can get the kill-shot in hand.

I think we're saying the same thing.